What Would You Do?



I just got word that the Jacksonville Jaguars are trying to put some changes into their ticket selling policies that would limit the purchase of tickets by non-Jaguar fans. They are providing steep discounts to season ticket holders to try to get them to purchase additional tickets for fellow Jags fans and to keep tickets out of the hands of fans of visiting teams. Their stated reason for this is that they have a schedule this year that has a lot of popular teams visiting Jacksonville, but the real reason is they do not want a recurrence of a very embarassing Steelers game in 2004 when there were 34,000 Steelers fans and about 12,000 Jag fans in attendence. What gets me is that Jacksonville is very much a Navy town. People come here for three years and then leave, so they bring their hometown allegiences with them and there are few people who live here their whole lives and who develop deep loyalties to a sports team.

So... how much sense does it make to try to block the sale of tickets to visiting fans when there is a very small local fan base to support the team?


New Member
Bruzilla said:
I just got word that the Jacksonville Jaguars are trying to put some changes into their ticket selling policies that would limit the purchase of tickets by non-Jaguar fans. They are providing steep discounts to season ticket holders to try to get them to purchase additional tickets for fellow Jags fans and to keep tickets out of the hands of fans of visiting teams. Their stated reason for this is that they have a schedule this year that has a lot of popular teams visiting Jacksonville, but the real reason is they do not want a recurrence of a very embarassing Steelers game in 2004 when there were 34,000 Steelers fans and about 12,000 Jag fans in attendence. What gets me is that Jacksonville is very much a Navy town. People come here for three years and then leave, so they bring their hometown allegiences with them and there are few people who live here their whole lives and who develop deep loyalties to a sports team.

So... how much sense does it make to try to block the sale of tickets to visiting fans when there is a very small local fan base to support the team?
The non-jag fans should just tell them that they are jag fans. :jameo:

If this is true they aren't too bright in cutting down on tourism dollars and I would think that the community would be outraged.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Soounds like discrimination to me. I doubt that calling the Chamber of Commerce will help your cause any though.


¡Tengo una tarjeta verde!
It sounds to me like they are doing a great service for the Jaguars fans. Imagine all the cash they'll make when they scalp their discounted tickets to the visiting team's fans.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's pretty

cholo said:
It sounds to me like they are doing a great service for the Jaguars fans. Imagine all the cash they'll make when they scalp their discounted tickets to the visiting team's fans.


And probably true.


New Member
Funny thing about scalping is that it is against the law in the state of Florida and they always have undercover officers trying to prevent it from happening. You can only sale the ticket for no more than $1 over face value according to the law. So they won't be making much. The real reason is to prevent the occurance of blacked out home games this year. The stadium seats well over 70,000 and doesn't have the fan base that a team like the Redskins has, but the team is doing really good under Jack Del Rio and that fan base is likely to keep growing through the years.


No Longer the Kid
They just need to make a good run in the playoffs, maybe make it to a superbowl, then fans will come out of the woodworks like they did for Carolina


I was at that Steelers/Jags game. Man what a game.... :lol:

But it sounds pretty tarded up to me. With the problems they have been having with blackouts, you would think they would sell any and every ticket to whoever had the money...go figger :shrug: