What would you have done?


Lawful neutral
Some guy at a Football game watched this girl text another guy every time her boyfriend went to get a beer. Was it any of his business? Did he do the right thing?


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If he had minded his own business - he would not have been reading the girl's text over her shoulder to begin with.

He's a nosy, trouble making busybody.


I think a paternity test is in order. Seriously, the guy should have stayed out of it, none of his business.


RBF expert
The fact that this guy ended his note with #CHIVEON speaks VOLUMES to his douchebag character. Mind your own business, brah.


Lawful neutral
Sheesh…you ladies take your cheating seriously. Being the guy, I’d have wanted to know. :elaine:


RBF expert
What does Chive On mean?

It's a saying from the social website, thechive.com. It's kind of like youtube, Facebook and Twitter all in one? I think it has forums too for discussions and chat rooms. Idk I avoid it, anyone I know that's active on it are kind of socially awkward, a little weird, and usually obsessed with online gaming. :shrug:


Lawful neutral
It's a saying from the social website, thechive.com. It's kind of like youtube, Facebook and Twitter all in one? I think it has forums too for discussions and chat rooms. Idk I avoid it, anyone I know that's active on it are kind of socially awkward, a little weird, and usually obsessed with online gaming. :shrug:

I'm making an account right now. :yay:


Lawful neutral
Everyone: prepare for even crazier viral videos and sensational headlines :lmao:

I'm honestly surprised you didn't already have an account :lmao:

It won’t let me make one. :mad: it says it’s a "black hole site" :shrug: I don't know what that is but if it’s what I suspect, I don't want to see one ever again. :twitch: