What's going on....


New Member
Anyone know what's going on in the Port Republic/St. leonard area? We left to pick-up our daughter from north beach, when we got to the light at Broomes Island Rd/RT 4 the police had Broome's Island rd blocked off. 5 police cars were headed South as we traveled up 4. When we were coming back home a Helicopter was circling the Port Republic/St. leonard area with a search light on.


greyhound said:
Anyone know what's going on in the Port Republic/St. leonard area? We left to pick-up our daughter from north beach, when we got to the light at Broomes Island Rd/RT 4 the police had Broome's Island rd blocked off. 5 police cars were headed South as we traveled up 4. When we were coming back home a Helicopter was circling the Port Republic/St. leonard area with a search light on.

Hey Grey! Please keep us updated !


New Member
greyhound said:
Anyone know what's going on in the Port Republic/St. leonard area? We left to pick-up our daughter from north beach, when we got to the light at Broomes Island Rd/RT 4 the police had Broome's Island rd blocked off. 5 police cars were headed South as we traveled up 4. When we were coming back home a Helicopter was circling the Port Republic/St. leonard area with a search light on.

I came into the computer room a little after it happened. They are searching for a number 1 male (black) with no teeth and a gun. I have no idea what this guy did. They have checked all the unlocked sheds in the area, they aren't having any luck finding him so they are getting ready to shut it down. It sounds like they did a 911 reverse too. Still listening.

Updated: 10-3 just lifted and cops returning to station. I guess it's over and the guy got away.


My Sweetest Boy
Dunno...we just came through there (coming back from Stoney's). There was a black car on the side of the road and police cars everywhere...and the helicopter with it's spotlight...they're looking for somebody.


New Member
Smilling ,Cat & Fire...

Thanks for the info....I'm making sure all the doors are locked now!

keepsmiling said:
They are searching for a number 1 male with no teeth and a gun.

I know what this means but when I read it, I thought....wow they are looking for a "Crab" with a gun. Thats were your mindgoes when your from Maryland.... :lmao:


New Member
greyhound said:
Smilling ,Cat & Fire...

Thanks for the info....I'm making sure all the doors are locked now!

I know what this means but when I read it, I thought....wow they are looking for a "Crab" with a gun. Thats were your mindgoes when your from Maryland.... :lmao:

Update: They just said on the scanner it was an "abduction". They are going to search several unlocked places in a church on Broomes Island.

sorry, I only put what a number one male was because we got blasted last week to please talk in human language and not fire. hee hee


Stop Staring!!!!!
Just firing my stuff up to point I can pay some attention

CALVERTS signals are weird. Some are clean as a whistle and some are dirty. I guess it depends on which tower the signal comes from
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Stop Staring!!!!!
I have been listening on/off. Sometimes if you miss the first few minutes of something it's hard to figure out what is going on. It's very easy to come up with the wrong conclusion.
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If you have trouble picking up Calvert on your scanner and have high speed internet go to CalvertNews.info and click on police scanner.


Highlander's MPD
I'mno Mensa said:
I guess the police are like the crabbers . They havent caught a number one male all summer either.

Why bother. The judge is just going to throw them back in the water anyway.


New Member
What I had listened to last night on the scanner was that they were looking for a #1 male with dreadlocks, blue jeans and a black shirt. The original call was put out that gun fire in the area and police were dispatched for a 10-32(man with a gun).

The CCS and MSP had searched the area pulling any vehicle over that came into the area, and searching all fields. They had assistance with Trooper 7 and Trooper 2 from PG county, when Trooper 7 had to refuel. Trooper 2 and Trooper 7 could not use the infrared, or heat devices because there was too much wildlife in the area to try to find the guy.

At 1100pm they ended up calling off the search, but they were still patrolling the area heavily. I went to bed at 1200 last night and still heard nothing of them catching the guy.

They did find a vehicle he was in which contained a 30 pack of beer and CDS in the front seat. They were going to check with local liquor stores for cameras so they could get a better description of the guy.


Stop Staring!!!!!
What I had listened to last night on the scanner was that they were looking for a #1 male with dreadlocks, blue jeans and a black shirt. The original call was put out that gun fire in the area and police were dispatched for a 10-32(man with a gun).

The CCS and MSP had searched the area pulling any vehicle over that came into the area, and searching all fields. They had assistance with Trooper 7 and Trooper 2 from PG county, when Trooper 7 had to refuel. Trooper 2 and Trooper 7 could not use the infrared, or heat devices because there was too much wildlife in the area to try to find the guy.

At 1100pm they ended up calling off the search, but they were still patrolling the area heavily. I went to bed at 1200 last night and still heard nothing of them catching the guy.

They did find a vehicle he was in which contained a 30 pack of beer and CDS in the front seat. They were going to check with local liquor stores for cameras so they could get a better description of the guy.

When it first started I did not have my Calvert scanner on as I don't listen to it much. All I really caught was Trooper 7 advising St. Mary's Fireboard that they was heading to Brooms Island for a Robbery suspect. I was not able to put much more together on it once I started listening..


Stop Staring!!!!!
Gummie said:
If you have trouble picking up Calvert on your scanner and have high speed internet go to CalvertNews.info and click on police scanner.

I am not into Calvert that much. I do feed that and several other audio feeds into my own scanner server for others to listen to. I will very likely double check my antenna setup and see about improving my own. I can copy most of it very well and then along will come a weak, scratchy signal. I dunno how many towers Calvert has but I suspect on thoe weaker signals I may be pulling it off of a more northerly tower. From what I can tell it appears to be mostly the MSP that I notice the difference on.

I know one of my weaknesses at the moment is because I am routing the incoming signal through an antenna Muticoupler that is only rated up to 500 MHz or so. I have another rated up to 1300 MHz and 'may' see some improvement if I swap over to that one.
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Stop Staring!!!!!
BTW, For anyone interested in listening to the scanner feeds I set up. Just go into your USER CP. Down on the left hand side of the page under Miscellaneous select 'Group Memebrships'. Next under User Group select St. Mary's Online Scanner and select join group. Once I grant you access inte the group there is a sticky thread titled 'Accessing the St. Mary's Online Scanner Server'. Just follow the directions there and you will be on your way. You will have to get with me about creating a user name and password for yourself and that is explained in the instructions.

If I can be of any assistance please let me know.


New Member
Jeff said:
BTW, For anyone interested in listening to the scanner feeds I set up. Just go into your USER CP. Down on the left hand side of the page under Miscellaneous select 'Group Memebrships'. Next under User Group select St. Mary's Online Scanner and select join group. Once I grant you access inte the group there is a sticky thread titled 'Accessing the St. Mary's Online Scanner Server'. Just follow the directions there and you will be on your way. You will have to get with me about creating a user name and password for yourself and that is explained in the instructions.

If I can be of any assistance please let me know.

Not sure if you have checked it out, but it may be some help to you. Calvertnews.info does a live feed of the Calvert County scanner. They will get all tachs that the police switch to. I mostly listen to that since I live in Solomons, but every once in awhile will switch over and listen to St. Marys just to hear what all is going on in the area. I hope that you can get some information off of the calvertnews.info site that will be of some help to you.