Larry Gude
Strung Out
Destroyed documents. Lapse in judgment. Honest mistake.
You know, if I were some suspicious nut ball type who suspected everything from hurrinaces to bad breathe being the fault of one person, I might wonder, oh, just what documents were destroyed...and for whose benefit.
Berger expressed remorse for his crime, which he described as a lapse of judgment that came while he was preparing to testify before the Sept. 11 commission.
"I let considerations of personal convenience override clear rules of handling classified material," Berger said. "I believe this lapse, serious as it is, does not reflect the character of myself."
The sentencing capped a bizarre sequence of events in which Berger admitted to sneaking classified documents out of the Archives in his suit, later destroying some of them in his office and then lying about it.
After initially saying it was an "honest mistake," Berger pleaded guilty in April to a misdemeanor of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material, which contained information relating to terror threats in the United States during the 2000 millennium celebration.
Destroyed documents. Lapse in judgment. Honest mistake.
You know, if I were some suspicious nut ball type who suspected everything from hurrinaces to bad breathe being the fault of one person, I might wonder, oh, just what documents were destroyed...and for whose benefit.