For me, yes, in middle school (9th grade in '79). I was having a problem with another girl in class, I got upset and left the room. The teacher followed me into the empty hall, grabbed me by the shoulders to "comfort" me, then pushed me back into the lockers and tried to kiss me. I turned my head quick and all he got was cheek. Then I ran to the office to call my mother. I can't remember what happened about the near-miss kiss, but I know my mother did not want my father to know, because he had a hot temper and probably would have beat the crap out of that teacher. Then at the end of the year when my yearbook was being passed around, he got ahold of it and wrote something creepy in it, something about "words cannot express how I feel about you," or something like that.
Then when I was a junior in highschool in '81, there was another teacher that looking back on it I know was "grooming" me....way too attentive, complimentary, etc. I was so naive....he wanted to take me on a trip to Europe (just the 2 of us), saying, "All you'll need is some spending money, I'll take care of everything else." Heck, that sounded great to me, until I asked my father and he was like, "NO WAY, don't you know what he wants?" I was so young, I was, what? This teacher talked me into running for a class officer since he was going to be the sponsor the next year (think of all the great times we'll have, he said), so I did and won. Then I started dating my future husband, which the teacher actively discouraged because, "You should have your freedom during your senior year." When I kept dating him, the teacher turned on me and literally would not speak to me by mid-year my senior year. It made the rest of the year very uncomfortable, because he had also arranged for me to be his aide one of my class periods.
Sometime during the year he had a big party at his house, lots of teens there, and he spent a lot of time in his bedroom with another classmate of mine. We were watching movies and not really paying attention til he came out in his ROBE...and we all about died. No question about what they were doing then. He ended up "dating" this 17-yr-old girl the rest of the school year. I'm guessing he was in his 40's or so, and not real attractive, so he had to lure girls in with other things. I believe he gave her diamond earrings for Christmas that year. She would lie to her parents and say she was at a friend's house, when she would really be with him overnight, or over the weekend or whatever.
Anyway, they ended up getting married after she graduated, and last I heard, they are still together. But the whole thing is repulsive, teachers that prey on their students.