Whelp i hate to admit it guys...


Active Member
Well today at a 'town hall' meeting on Iraq with congressman Cardin. It was hosted by my university, I realized there are idiots on both the right and the left. The moderates aren’t usually too bad, but it’s the really right people and the really left who make you just want to band your head on a jagged rock....

I figured I was about as left as we/they come, I was wrong. Many people voiced that they want our troops home from Iraq NOW. Most people, if they think about it for more than 10 seconds realize that would be a very bad thing. We would then be blamed by the rest of the world for making a mess and not cleaning it up, in addition to that they would probably end up having a 'civil war' (is it civil since there is no government?). Iran would either grow in size or have another ally, another nation which spawns terrorism and hate towards the US.

When it came to question/statement time I noticed the only student from the school ahead of me in line was the president of the College Republicans, he stated this and people boo-ed him. I was very unsatisfied with the way people conducted themselves at this meeting, and the lack of thought many of them had. No suggestions to problems were made by the representative or the constituents. I may have been wrong to assume that in a town hall meeting people are kind, courteous and understood everyone's opinion should be welcomed; even if it’s not a popular one.

My point is, if you are too far left or too far right you are a flaming moron.

edit: there paragraphs for many who have a short attention span
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Spoiled said:
(is it civil since there is no government?)
It's "civil" if it's different factions within the same country.

You are not as far left as they come. Sparx on our forum is further left than you and we've had a couple of others, too. You're more left-middle, IMO.


Well-Known Member
L ------------------------C -------------------------R

You've got a long way to go.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Rush, the other day made an interesting comment about Hillary's shift in positions as of late - being broadly referred to as "moving to the center". He said, roughly "center is not a direction - you don't make a traffic turn to the 'center' - call it what it IS - a move TO THE RIGHT".

Funny, that.


Hillary never shifted positions. She just said that the Dems should be more inclusive of people with different positions. Hers is still the same.