When business owners have had enough


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member

WASHINGTON, DC (7News) — The chain convenience store-restaurant Union Kitchen is telling students from nearby McKinley Tech High School and Middle School they will not be allowed in its Eckington store -- unless they’re with an adult.

And now for the uncomfortable facts:

McKinley Technology High School​

  • 84% Black/African-American
  • <1% Asian
  • 12% Hispanic / Latino
  • <1% Native American / Alaska Native
  • <1% Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander
  • 2% White non-Hispanic
  • 1% Multiracial


Well-Known Member
I feel sorry for the 1%.

I know the neighborhood well, surprised the store can trust the adults.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
It's like the whole class being punished for the bad acts of a few of their classmates. I'm sure there will be some social justice meted out on the owner for telling the truth and running their business as they see fit.


If I may ...
If I may ...

It say all the reason, (rightfully) right here, "Students don’t like it, saying most of them don’t steal. Neighbors don’t like it, either, including one who said it essentially means African American youth are banned from the store." We're talking DC here, lead by a BLM activist.

A proactive and smart business owner I'd say. Now, he can have them arrested for trespassing since a notice had been posted.

black dog

Free America
I dont believe thats how trespassing laws work.
One is told by LE that they are trespassing and they are told to leave.
If they dont leave they are trespassing and are arrested.
If they do leave all is well, if they return they are arrested.


Well-Known Member
The problem here IMO is that the innocent who are being punished with the guilty are in the minority .

A minority in the minority.

If this business holder can hold out long enough the city is having a big change and these people causing all of the trouble are being pushed out slowly into places like Waldorf.