As Crime Spikes, Wisconsin's Governor Says He's Too 'Busy' to Meet with Families of Murder Victims
Ah, a "busy schedule." Right.
The interview in which Evers refused to make the wise choice of condemning attempts to make it easier for criminals to get back on the streets and then claimed he was too busy to meet with murder victims' families is hardly the first time he's had missteps on the issue of law and order.
On the campaign trail, Evers said his "goal" was "cutting the state's inmate population in half." In 2020, Evers publicly fretted that "Either we find a way to have robust criminal justice reform or we will be building a new prison" that Evers said would cost "$600 million," something he characterized as "unacceptable" and "a tragedy for the state of Wisconsin."
So Evers wanted to empty out Wisconsin's prisons through "reform" rather than face the "tragedy" of having to build another prison? What about the tragedy of the crimes that necessitated prison space? Ensuring justice is served is apparently a tragedy to Evers. That, and he's usually too "busy," apparently.
By 2021, even Wisconsin Public Radio was publishing stories about how "The law is on hold in Milwaukee" while homicide rates continued trending upward. 2021 saw Milwaukee record one of the highest murder rates in the United States. And it all followed the Evers "goal of eventually cutting the state’s inmate population in half."
In his 2022 State of the State address, Evers didn't even mention rising crime.
Wisconsin's former Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch, a Republican looking to unseat Evers in November, pointed out the current governor's flawed "liberal priorities:"
TBH ..
I'm not sure what the point is for a Governor to meet with crime victims families
Meeting the Gov'ner won't bring back the dead ....
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