When did epic self-absorption become an admirable trait?


PREMO Member
When did epic self-absorption become an admirable trait?

So it goes with narcissistic choices depicted by Hollywood: Consider HBO’s Sunday night dark comedy “Divorce,” or the new sci-fi movie “Passengers,” in which one character makes a decision that is so self-centered and oblivious to others’ feelings that it amounts to a theft of a life.

On the long-gestating “Gilmore Girls” Netflix sequel “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life,” young Rory (Alexis Bledel) is a smug, entitled millennial who thinks the world owes her a living as a fabulous journalist when she is too lazy to even prepare for interviews. She tortures her boyfriend Paul, who is constantly doing nice things for her, thoughtlessly sleeping with other guys as the show mines laughs in her careless admission that she never got around to breaking up with the poor schmo.

I’m not saying only millennials are narcissists. On “Divorce,” created by the Brit Sharon Horgan, middle-aged people who have major responsibilities to their spouses and children act just as self-centered, just as oblivious, as Dunham. In the pilot, Horgan casually reveals that Frances (Sarah Jessica Parker), who is enduring an increasingly sour marriage to Robert (Thomas Haden Church) has been having an affair with a doughy, granola-eating professor, Julian (Jemaine Clement). Her request for a divorce isn’t just a matter of her husband failing to please her anymore; it’s a sign that she thinks she can simply swap out one man for another as though exchanging a pair of pants.


New Member
You whine about entertainment stories from Hollywood and get on your knees for reality from Trump?



Well-Known Member
At least since the mid-70s. I'm okay, you're okay. Black power. Woman power. The Me Generation. Victim playing has become an admirable trait as well, and is highly encouraged by our culture.

I think maybe after that - back then, it was considered borderline *funny* that people could be that self-absorbed. We laughed at it. "ME" decade was an insult.

And I feel sorry for someone when EVERY topic must involve politics.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think maybe after that - back then, it was considered borderline *funny* that people could be that self-absorbed. We laughed at it. "ME" decade was an insult.

And I feel sorry for someone when EVERY topic must involve politics.

Was anyone more self absorbed than Richard Nixon? How about jack Kennedy? Was anyone more self absorbed than him? How about Franklin D Roosevelt? Was anyone more self absorbed than him? Woodrow Wilson wanted to do away with the Supreme court such was the self esteem he held his own mind in. Rockefeller, Morgan, Vanderbilt, now there was some self absorption. Who could be worse than that? Well, how about Jefferson Davis? He thought to be even asked to consider scratching someone elses back if they scratched yours was the deepest of insults such was his view of personal piety and perfection of mind.

It's just amusing the desire to think our times are oh, so much worse than any other time. You know, like when 'merica was great? :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Was anyone more self absorbed than Richard Nixon? How about jack Kennedy? Was anyone more self absorbed than him? How about Franklin D Roosevelt? Was anyone more self absorbed than him? Woodrow Wilson wanted to do away with the Supreme court such was the self esteem he held his own mind in. Rockefeller, Morgan, Vanderbilt, now there was some self absorption. Who could be worse than that? Well, how about Jefferson Davis? He thought to be even asked to consider scratching someone elses back if they scratched yours was the deepest of insults such was his view of personal piety and perfection of mind.

It's just amusing the desire to think our times are oh, so much worse than any other time. You know, like when 'merica was great? :lol:



Well-Known Member
"When did epic self absorption become an admirable trait?"

You don't think the examples listed were epic, and I mean epic, in self absorption?

THAT is the point. We laughed at them for it. When I was in grade school, we heard that Johnson was in the hospital - he got hit by a motorboat while on his morning walk!
Roman emperors and pharaohs thought they were GODS. It's not new.

What IS new is to consider it *OK*.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
It will come to an end as soon as the Internet fills to the brim with selfies.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
THAT is the point. We laughed at them for it. When I was in grade school, we heard that Johnson was in the hospital - he got hit by a motorboat while on his morning walk!
Roman emperors and pharaohs thought they were GODS. It's not new.

What IS new is to consider it *OK*.

If it allows us to STOP worshiping people like FDR and JFK and Dubbya and Obama BECAUSE they're really just folks like us, if we all can be a little pompous and lower THEM by raising ourselves, I'm all for it.