When did Sammy the Squirrel join the workforce?


Asperger's Poster Child

Dear Prudence,
I'm stuck in an office with a co-worker who is driving me slowly insane. She's older than both my superior and I, so I don't know how to approach her about her behavior. She incessantly talks loudly to herself in high-pitched screeching cartoony voices, makes what I can only describe as "squirrel noises," and squeals like a stuck pig whenever she gets an e-mail/fax/etc. Moving desks, wearing headphones, or listening to music are not options. My friends are telling me to just ignore it, but to me this is like sitting next to a dentist's drill all day. I'm starting to really hate coming to work, though I do like my job. How do I get her to stop or get over it?
—Coming Unglued
Come into work late one night, pour whiskey all over her seat, then in the morning get her really worked up over something, then call the boss over and tell him/ her that you think your co-worker has been drinkin on the job. He will come over, smell the whiskey and fire her azz. Mission accomplished.


Only happy When It Rains


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