When you don't like the way democracry works for you...


Super Genius
Obviously not math majors. Kerry needed 136,000 more votes and there are 150,000 provisional ballots (which will go through the counting process...many of which will be rejected). For Kerry to tie, he'd have to get 95.3% of the 150,000 provisional ballots. If that actually happened, it would automatically raise some :bs: flags because it should be close to the split of the state.


Dancing Up A Storm
This statement really caused my eyebrows to rise:

"George Bush is not our president, and we reject him as our president," protester Gabe Rey-Goodlatt said. "He's a non-elected president who stole the election again in 2004".

My God, these people are never going to get past it, are they?

When all the provisional ballots are counted in Ohio, and it is proven that
Kerry could not cut into President Bush's lead, will they still cry foul?!?


Well-Known Member
Wandering through the Kerry Crowd Nov 3rd:


Some gutsy Young Repubs wandered through the dejected Kerryites and we have samples of the utter shock and despondency.

You know...I just don't savor the victory as much as I thought I would. I am almost interested in looking through all the boastful promises, pledges and faux "plans" that are still unraveling out of the Kerry wreckage to get a sense of what we were saved from.

Have you heard that Kerry wanted to expand the powers of the VP if McCain had signed on?...begged him 5+ time to consider it.
How about the behind the seens story of Carville in tears begging to shake up the campaign staff?...this is just too rich to forget about.
I want to hear more.....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hessian said:
You know...I just don't savor the victory as much as I thought I would.
Really? And, see, when I read stories like this, with these sobbing hysterical freaks, I savor the victory all that much more. It is inconceivable to me that our country would be dictated to by these screwballs.


Dancing Up A Storm
vraiblonde said:
Really? And, see, when I read stories like this, with these sobbing hysterical freaks, I savor the victory all that much more. It is inconceivable to me that our country would be dictated to by these screwballs.
First of all, :howdy:!

Second, are you a "uniter" or a "divider"? :lol: :lol:


Dancing Up A Storm
I would not waste my time or energy responding to this idiot. See, I'd rather respond to you, because you see right through this fools' reparte.

From now on, really about 4 or 5 days ago, I refuse to humor this dillholes' commentary.

He epitomizes what is terribly wrong with the democratic party, and if they don't flush these types of people out of their system and down the toilet where he can find nourishment and thrive with others of his kind, this party will never, ever rise to the greatness it once enjoyed.

The depth of their snobbery, their elitism and misconception of the people out in the heartland of this country is what cost them this election.

True, it seems that JF Kerry was not the right man, at the right time, nor at the right place in our history to make it to the pinnacle of political office, but it appears the way he was packaged by his advisors did little to aid his ascendency to his perceived throne, as well.


Super Genius
Penn said:
True, it seems that JF Kerry was not the right man, at the right time, nor at the right place in our history to make it to the pinnacle of political office, but it appears the way he was packaged by his advisors did little to aid his ascendency to his perceived throne, as well.
You know what the funniest/saddest (depending on your POV) part is? Kerry could have won if they listened just a little bit. The Republican commentators told them exactly what was wrong with their campaign. How many times did we hear Kerry say, "I have a plan..." and the Republican say, "Great. What's the plan?" The Democrat response was always, "he has a very detailed plan". But nobody could ever find it... I went to his web site several times trying to find a "plan". All I found were very vague, touchy-feely ideas (no plan) and massive amounts of anti-Bush and flawed rhetoric.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
I'm trying to at least become more of uniter.

Keep up the good work! The more you all scream, the more seats Republicans pick up in the House and Senate. :yay: