I would not waste my time or energy responding to this idiot. See, I'd rather respond to you, because you see right through this fools' reparte.
From now on, really about 4 or 5 days ago, I refuse to humor this dillholes' commentary.
He epitomizes what is terribly wrong with the democratic party, and if they don't flush these types of people out of their system and down the toilet where he can find nourishment and thrive with others of his kind, this party will never, ever rise to the greatness it once enjoyed.
The depth of their snobbery, their elitism and misconception of the people out in the heartland of this country is what cost them this election.
True, it seems that JF Kerry was not the right man, at the right time, nor at the right place in our history to make it to the pinnacle of political office, but it appears the way he was packaged by his advisors did little to aid his ascendency to his perceived throne, as well.