When your daughter gets busted for weed...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I wanted to be smug about this, but honestly cannot get outraged about an 18 year old partying with her pals.

However, I will note that this is fairly on the DL. When it was Barbara and Jenna getting their drink on (in college, without the benefit of a "gap year"), the Left lost their minds like they'd never heard of such a thing and it was on every news source.


New Member
Kids in college try stuff .If they are eighteen and away from Mom and Dad they will try stuff. Larry you know what I could come home and have a drink with dinner and just becuase I did it didn't mean my kids were allowed to do it ,what they saw was someone who was a responsible adult .It's called parenting Larry and I can't imagine how hard it is on the kids to grow up while they are in public .The Bush girls were raised right as have the Obama girls.It's not the public's business Left or Right.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Kids in college try stuff .If they are eighteen and away from Mom and Dad they will try stuff. Larry you know what I could come home and have a drink with dinner and just becuase I did it didn't mean my kids were allowed to do it ,what they saw was someone who was a responsible adult .It's called parenting Larry and I can't imagine how hard it is on the kids to grow up while they are in public .The Bush girls were raised right as have the Obama girls.It's not the public's business Left or Right.

The point was that pot was a central part to President Obamas formulative years, years that lead to his current job. So, not only is he engaging in hypocrisy and non sense, he's also not teacher his own daughter what he knows. I suppose that is parenting of a kind.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I doubt he discussed what it would do to her future. I expect the discussion was more about what it would do to his future. The First Egotist would be upset that she may tarnish his image.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
The point was that pot was a central part to President Obamas formulative years, years that lead to his current job. So, not only is he engaging in hypocrisy and non sense, he's also not teacher his own daughter what he knows. I suppose that is parenting of a kind.
Exactly. As usual, Barry's hypocrisy has no limits.


New Member
The point was that pot was a central part to President Obamas formulative years, years that lead to his current job. So, not only is he engaging in hypocrisy and non sense, he's also not teacher his own daughter what he knows. I suppose that is parenting of a kind.



New Member
The point was that pot was a central part to President Obamas formulative years, years that lead to his current job. So, not only is he engaging in hypocrisy and non sense, he's also not teacher his own daughter what he knows. I suppose that is parenting of a kind.

So Larry you don't think any parent has ever said to a child "don't do what I did" or " when I was your age I did stupid stuff"and then have that child still go out and do the same stupid thing???


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
So Larry you don't think any parent has ever said to a child "don't do what I did" or " when I was your age I did stupid stuff"and then have that child still go out and do the same stupid thing???
That has nothing to do with Larry's point. Nothing.


Well-Known Member
Maybe he was just angry that she was bogarting her stash. Seriously though, a "source" says that he was angry, but we really have no idea. What else would they say, that he laughed it off?

The fact that she was extracted just prior to the police busting up the party tells me she had some supervision, so mr. president was likely fully aware of her actions before hand.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kid being a kid. I bet growing up in that WH bubble is not exactly "fun".

I'm sure it has its perks.

Melia is 18. Legally an adult. I suppose Barry and Michelle could scold her, and I'm sure they did, but it would certainly be more about it becoming public than the actual pot smoking, which isn't all that scandalous in my opinion. It's not like she's smoking crack or mainlining heroin.