Where are the daily Biden death numbers


PREMO Member
Covid-19 Deaths under Biden Surpass Deaths during Trump Administration

Strange how the media is almost totally silent about the fact that more than 400,000 Americans have died of Covid-19 since Joe Biden was sworn in January 20, with more than 1,000 deaths a day adding to the toll. As you’ll recall, there was a full-blown national day of mourning on January 19, Trump’s last full day in office, which was the day deaths hit 400,000. The New York Times has the current death count at 801,037. It seems likely that at least another 100,000 will die as the winter storms in. It’s not hard to imagine that there could be twice as many Covid deaths on Biden’s watch as on Trump’s. But what was Trump’s fault under Trump is America’s fault under Biden.


If I may ...
If I may ...

Doesn't really matter anyway. All these death numbers are fully inline with the normal annual death rate for all manners of death.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
If I may ...

Doesn't really matter anyway. All these death numbers are fully inline with the normal annual death rate for all manners of death.

How is that possible? If the argument is that LAST year's excess death was high due to COVID - but with higher COVID deaths this year - it's perfectly copacetic?

I'll go one further - with a working vaccine - at least, as one that presumably was >90% effective - we SHOULD HAVE seen deaths go WAY DOWN. WAY down. Oh someone can claim that people were less cautious, but even in light of that, we should have seen numbers drop HUGE. And they didn't. Because people were still getting it, and people were still dying from it. Everywhere. Worldwide, and we weren't the only nation to develop vaccines.

Why should we see MUCH more death in a year than one where there was NO vaccine? One can ONLY conclude that the vaccine doesn't protect you and certainly does little to stop the spread of the virus.


Well-Known Member
The same with the masks. If anything they make mattes worse.

Compare Florida with California.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
One of the conservative news sites gives a daily death toll, but I don't remember which one.

Regardless, the newsbots aren't going to blame Biden or highlight covid deaths under his watch. They're too busy trying to cover up what a gootz he is in every other aspect. Crime? What crime? Illegal immigration? No hablo ingles. But Trump! But Trump! BUT TRUMP!!!!!

You'd think that at some point even the dimmest Democrat bulb would be like, "Hey....wait a minute....," but they appear to be fully indoctrinated.


Well-Known Member
How is that possible? If the argument is that LAST year's excess death was high due to COVID - but with higher COVID deaths this year - it's perfectly copacetic?

I'll go one further - with a working vaccine - at least, as one that presumably was >90% effective - we SHOULD HAVE seen deaths go WAY DOWN. WAY down. Oh someone can claim that people were less cautious, but even in light of that, we should have seen numbers drop HUGE. And they didn't. Because people were still getting it, and people were still dying from it. Everywhere. Worldwide, and we weren't the only nation to develop vaccines.

Why should we see MUCH more death in a year than one where there was NO vaccine? One can ONLY conclude that the vaccine doesn't protect you and certainly does little to stop the spread of the virus.

The difference with deaths this year is you are now listed at what you really died from, cancer, heart disease, etc., not just covid .
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PREMO Member
The difference with deaths this year is you are now listed at what you really died from, cancer, heart disease, etc., not just covid .

As long as there is a financial incentive to have patients with COVID, they're always going to claim COVID as cause of death.

But if what you say is true, it's even MORE disturbing, because it means a LOT MORE people are dying from COVID than they did in 2020.


If I may ...
If I may ...

As long as there is a financial incentive to have patients with COVID, they're always going to claim COVID as cause of death.

But if what you say is true, it's even MORE disturbing, because it means a LOT MORE people are dying from COVID than they did in 2020.
People aren't dying because of COVID. Just like the flu, people die from complications related to having the flu, such a pneumonia, or other comorbidities. They are dying because they are not healthy to begin with.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
If I may ...

People aren't dying because of COVID. Just like the flu, people die from complications related to having the flu, such a pneumonia, or other comorbidities. They are dying because they are not healthy to begin with.

And I get that. My mother passed in 2020. She had a form of epilepsy and died of a heart attack, almost certainly in response to the constant barrage and changes in her medication. BUT - she had COVID when she died. Counted as a COVID death. I get it, I do.

BUT - if COVID deaths have gone UP - a LOT - in a year with an actual vaccine not only available but increasingly FORCED onto the American public - if the "real" deaths are being reported, then COVID is worse than we thought and the vaccine is useless.

If the COVID deaths are in fact being misreported - why aren't the infections themselves going down? Isn't the vaccine supposed to (I actually don't believe this, but it's reported in press as though it is) hinder the spread of the virus? Then why is it WORSE?

Under any stretch of logic, it should not be worse than it was the first year we were all dealing with it. We have treatments - we have conditions in place - we have people masking. In 2020 for months we had deaths and we did little. We were caught unawares.

WORSE - we should have a measure of natural immunity after two years. THAT hinders the penetration of a disease into a population. Kind of like a forest fire going back through a burned forest - there's nothing to burn. So why is it still bad?


PREMO Member
Then why is it WORSE?

Because those nasty anti-vax Trump Supporters are getting sick clogging up Hospitals

WORSE - we should have a measure of natural immunity after two years. THAT hinders the penetration of a disease into a population. Kind of like a forest fire going back through a burned forest - there's nothing to burn. So why is it still bad?

What I have been hearing for months is ' CASES ' OF Covid .... yeah people are still dying WITH Covid, but the State Run Media and Our Authoritarian Over lords are not talking DEATH Numbers, but Cases ....

Either the deaths are not as bad, or the SRM is COVERING For Biden after 18 months of Lampooning Trump


Well-Known Member
As long as there is a financial incentive to have patients with COVID, they're always going to claim COVID as cause of death.

But if what you say is true, it's even MORE disturbing, because it means a LOT MORE people are dying from COVID than they did in 2020.

If you recall Colin Powell's family insisted he died from covid. He did have a stage 4 cancer which the media repeated as his cause of death. His kids said it was covid.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about the rest of you, but I have gotten so i don't believe anything the Government puts out.
They have lied to me so much , I don't believe their figures, their advice, their mandates, their little creep dipsht Faucci Jen Sucki , Biden or any of the rest of the tick turd political scum that is now running the country.


PREMO Member
How is that possible? If the argument is that LAST year's excess death was high due to COVID - but with higher COVID deaths this year - it's perfectly copacetic?

Why Is The CDC Hiding Excess Death Data?

The number of “non natural cause” deaths in America has skyrocketed so much that the CDC has simply stopped processing the data.

In fact, the CDC stopped updating cancer deaths in Week 50 of 2021.

Researchers who use the CDC’s “mortality statistics” cannot access the data at all.

The researcher known as the “Ethical Skeptic” on Twitter has figured out what the CDC has been doing — and it’s not good.



PREMO Member
💉 There was another huge development in the corporate media’s information embargo yesterday, in the form of a UK Telegraph article headlined “Lockdown Effects Feared to Be Killing More People Than Covid.”


And look at the sub-head: “Unexplained excess deaths outstrip those from virus as medics call figures ‘terrifying’.” In other words, although U.S. corporate media is still ignoring them (with some help from the CDC), excess deaths still just went mainstream.

Holy Late Arrivals, Batman! Did you ever think you’d see the day? Before we get to the “lockdown effects” euphemism, let’s first just consider the profound implications of taking this “lockdown effects” nonsense at face value.

The Telegraph article reported that official UK data “suggests” that “the effects of lockdown may now be killing more people than are dying of Covid.” That’s not good. It said the paper “understands that the Department of Health has ordered an investigation into the figures.” The government will have to blame somebody. Somebody else. Maybe someone who gave it bad advice.

It’s pretty bad. The paper admitted “the number of excess deaths not from Covid dwarfs the number linked to the virus.” DWARFS them. People are dying from other things besides covid so much that they DWARF covid deaths. That means it’s SO bad they can’t use any cute non-alarming synonyms anymore. Time for plan B.

The rest of the article deflects the phenomenon right onto deferred care during lockdowns. That will obscure the real problem for a little while longer, but the “deferred care” excuse won’t work twelve months from now. It’s a band-aid, and it’s not free. Not even close.

Even accepting the article’s unlikely premise that “lockdown effects” of deferred care ARE the cause of all the unexplained strokes and clots and heart attacks, “lockdown effects” reflect awfully on public health agencies. That rationale “suggests” that public health experts failed to consider the now-obvious downstream effects; and worse, anybody with a google terminal will pretty much immediately discover scientists like Bhattacharya, Kulldorf, et al who warned about those very same “lockdown effects” back at the time the decisions were made.

So public health experts won’t be able to say they didn’t know. They just “ignored the science,” which is a cardinal sin under Branch Covidia. Once “lockdown effects” becomes the default explanation, there will be a massive backlash against public health, for failing to tailor the covid response to account for side effects like deferred care. OF COURSE, it makes NO SENSE to kill more people with mitigations than die from covid, especially when those mitigations have not shown any clear benefit, and especially considering the vast economic and political costs of those mitigations.

Thanks experts!

The CDC has withheld the excess death figures in the U.S. for two and a half months now, citing a software upgrade or some equally dumb excuse. Do you suppose it’s possible those numbers, like the UK’s, are so obvious and grim and embarrassing that a “complete reorganization” of the CDC would be required, and that, to show fast and effective action, Biden might strip handling pandemics completely away from a disgraced CDC, and re-assign that important job to some other agency?

Good thing we have one waiting and ready to go! The ASPR. The ASPR wouldn’t have made these kinds of mistakes. It’s not all bureaucratically bloated and packed with political hacks, not like the CDC. No, no, never. ASPR employees don’t care about money and stuff, just helping people. They are the very definition of selfless bureaucrats. You’ll see. So … problem solved! You’re welcome.

So, once again we note that the news is not about excess deaths — we’ve known about THAT for months now — the news is that the corporate media embargo on TALKING ABOUT excess deaths — instead of just hoping they’d bugger off — is all over now. We’ve pivoted into the next narrative.

The sleight of hand over “lockdown effects” causing cancer, heart attacks, and strokes (but not other types of injuries) from “deferred care” is just a trade-off. They’re throwing public health officials under the bus instead of considering other, more politically difficult causes. Like causes with needles. But it won’t last; it will catch up with them. First of all, public health MIGHT NOT like being thrown under the bus, and MIGHT fight back, but nothing would surprise me from that squad of masochists.

Second, the “deferred care” excuse can only last so long before it just doesn’t work anymore. Maybe they are hoping that the excess deaths will resolve by themselves after a while, which could happen; nobody knows. Maybe. But they’ll need to stop jabbing people if they want to find THAT out.

Oh, wait!



Well-Known Member
If I may ...

People aren't dying because of COVID. Just like the flu, people die from complications related to having the flu, such a pneumonia, or other comorbidities. They are dying because they are not healthy to begin with.
I know this is pretty late, but most diseases are this way. HIV does not kill you, something else it causes is what kills you, cancer doesn't directly kill you, what it causes kills you. My dad passed away due to complications related to pancreatic cancer (massive blood loss caused from the tumor growth), but these would not exist if not for the cancer. Not really a covid related argument, just a general statement.