Where are the SALT TRUCKS?

I have been watching the weather very closely for a few days now, and have made all the preparations incase we loose power which we normally do when there is sleet or ice involved. However it is almost 5pm Sunday Night with the snow starting any minute now and I have YET to see a Salt Truck. Nothing- NADDA.
I live right on Rt.5 (considered a major road) and nothing yet. Are they going to wait til we get a few inches and it turns to ice? What are these idiots doing- or not doing. :confused:


I don't know about State Highway but I watched the contractors load up with salt and put their blades on this morning.

I bet ya anything, these guys are home catching some serious Zzzz's before the storm hits. :smile:


:rolleyes: What do you want the salt truck to do? Start dumping salt now? This storm will start this afternoon and there is no need for the salt trucks to be out roaming the streets until everything falls.


New Member
What do you think putting down salt now will do for you? It needs to be put on snow or ice not bare pavement! Hello anyone home?:biggrin:


Originally posted by PrepH4U
What do you think putting down salt now will do for you? It needs to be put on snow or ice not bare pavement! Hello anyone home?:biggrin:
Wait a second..... are you saying that the salt I just dumped on the sidewalk won't do any good? :biggrin:


New Member
Originally posted by Kain99
Wait a second..... are you saying that the salt I just dumped on the sidewalk won't do any good? :biggrin:
Sure it will, cuz I bet you don't have a bunch of cars driving on it and crushing it and blowing it off the sidewalk!:biggrin:


Originally posted by PrepH4U
Sure it will, cuz I bet you don't have a bunch of cars driving on it and crushing it and blowing it off the sidewalk!:biggrin:
Yay Me! :wink:


New Member
Originally posted by shell_belle67
I have been watching the weather very closely for a few days now, and have made all the preparations incase we loose power which we normally do when there is sleet or ice involved. However it is almost 5pm Sunday Night with the snow starting any minute now and I have YET to see a Salt Truck. Nothing- NADDA.
I live right on Rt.5 (considered a major road) and nothing yet. Are they going to wait til we get a few inches and it turns to ice? What are these idiots doing- or not doing. :confused:

The people who work for the SHA and county are not idiots, why would you put salt down now? So it blows off the road and does nothing, and then when it does start to snow, oops we ran out of salt. Obvious you are the idiot.:rolleyes: Oh and BTW salt trucks are out probably on stand by.
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Football season!
The trucks are everywhere up here. You would think they're calling for a blizzard. But I guess after the last storm where a dusting shut down the entire DC metropolitan area, they are trying to be more prepared :rolleyes:


Re: Re: Where are the SALT TRUCKS?

Originally posted by lfquade
The people who work for the SHA and county are not idiots, why would you put salt down now? So it blows off the road and does nothing, and then when it does start to snow, oops we ran out of salt. Obvious you are the idiot.:rolleyes: Oh and BTW salt trucks are out probably on stand by.
Now see... That's just wrong. You are lashing out at an innocent because you got your butt chewed a few days ago. Not nice and certainly not called for missy!

Breathe.... If that doesn't work...Drink! :wink:


New Member
Re: Re: Re: Where are the SALT TRUCKS?

Originally posted by Kain99
Now see... That's just wrong. You are lashing out at an innocent because you got your butt chewed a few days ago. Not nice and certainly not called for missy!

Breathe.... If that doesn't work...Drink! :wink:

No it wasn't wrong, what was wrong was a person who has no idea how the SHA or county works and calls them idiots.



Re: Re: Re: Re: Where are the SALT TRUCKS?

Originally posted by lfquade
No it wasn't wrong, what was wrong was a person who has no idea how the SHA or county works and calls them idiots.

OIC... If one has no idea how SHA works they are an idiot.... Ok sugarplum! At least I FINALLY understand what makes the world turn! :biggrin:
I have always seen the convoy of trucks go through here on Rt. 5 before the storms hit and have always seen them put salt down before it hits, even if it blows to the side of the road. Every place I have lived has always salted before the snow, and when I commuted to DC for work, they salted before the snow hit.

Here they do things different and the Road preparation and maintenance during a storm is not sufficient enough. Just look on the sides of the roads now at all the tree's still there that fell from during the Hurricane. Quite a few of them are still hanging over power lines and phone lines.

They are using a new chemical (liquid), that works great on roads for preventing the roads from icing up. I have not seen those trucks out as well.

I hope the State Highway has a handle on this, because this year has me a bit worried about our safety on our roads.


New Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Where are the SALT TRUCKS?

Originally posted by Kain99
OIC... If one has no idea how SHA works they are an idiot.... Ok sugarplum! At least I FINALLY understand what makes the world turn! :biggrin:

Sugarplum..:blushing: I was just saying that they weren't idiots, and that they do things a certain way and they don't just drop salt when the news says snow.:wink:


I apologize for rolling my eyes in my earlier response, but she called the snow removers idiots. These people run out into their trucks to clear the roads when everyone else is home, warm, eating bread, drinking milk and wiping their butts with TP. They work long hours doing the tedious task of clearing the roads and parking lots for our benefit.

I think the snow removers do a <a href='http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008' target='_blank'><img src='http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_1_8.gif' border=0></a>


Originally posted by *archimedes*
Nothing here is as good as it was where you came from and it never will be. Except for the job that brought you here.
I like it here :shrug: the stuffed ham is better than Maine, the weather is better than Maine, my house is better than the one I had in Maine, the lobster is....well forget that one.:biggrin:


Originally posted by *archimedes*
Nothing here is as good as it was where you came from and it never will be. Except for the job that brought you here.
been here all my life and i love it!!