Where can I buy dirt??


New Member
We bought a house last winter and want to level out the yard. Does anyone know of someone or a contractor who I can pay to bring me a couple loads of dirt? How much is a truck load of dirt? I'm in the Oakville area.



Sadysue said:
We bought a house last winter and want to level out the yard. Does anyone know of someone or a contractor who I can pay to bring me a couple loads of dirt? How much is a truck load of dirt? I'm in the Oakville area.


Beware, Sadysue. How you 'level out the yard' can affect moisture in your basement and standing water on your property for years to come.

If you bought your house as a new build, I would return to the builder and demand proper grading and drainage.

If the house is older, I would pay for a site survey and figure out the best way to divert water away from the property.

Just throwing dirt onto the property almost guarantees a wet basement and standing water. By code, your home should already have a perimeter drain around the foundation. You may also need an external drain around the property, fed by a gravel base, and even swales, to properly rid the property of excess water.

If you don't want to go through all of the headwork, please fill with a permeable base, such as gravel or sand, as a base layer before you fill the top layer with topsoil.

Steer way clear of any fills containing clay.
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New Member
Which Dem Politician did you ask for?

I agree with the last poster, do not level the yard unless the house has very good drainage. Mold is something you do not want.


New Member
Well, the house sits on a slight hill. The land slants down towards the back of the house. (We have a walkout basement.) The previous owner cut into the side of the hill, on the side yard, to level a spot for a garden. We want to restore the slope so it will look nice and we can mow it.


New Member
tikipirate said:
Beware, Sadysue. How you 'level out the yard' can affect moisture in your basement and standing water on your property for years to come.

If you bought your house as a new build, I would return to the builder and demand proper grading and drainage.

If the house is older, I would pay for a site survey and figure out the best way to divert water away from the property.

Just throwing dirt onto the property almost guarantees a wet basement and standing water. By code, your home should already have a perimeter drain around the foundation. You may also need an external drain around the property, fed by a gravel base, and even swales, to properly rid the property of excess water.

If you don't want to go through all of the headwork, please fill with a permeable base, such as gravel or sand, as a base layer before you fill the top layer with topsoil.

Steer way clear of any fills containing clay.
Excellent advise!! :yay: :yay:


New Member
Try R.L Earnshaw. They are located off of 5 near Loveville, so it's not too far from you. I don't remember the price for dirt off the top of my head but their prices in general are good, and service is great. # is in yellow pages.


Active Member
birdman said:
Try R.L Earnshaw. They are located off of 5 near Loveville, so it's not too far from you. I don't remember the price for dirt off the top of my head but their prices in general are good, and service is great. # is in yellow pages.

I've always used Earnshaw for all of my dirt and gravel needs.