Where did I put...

So, when I clean house the last thing I do is spray the air freshener...sorta says, "Ahhhh, Whome...you done good. Now you may sit, relax and enjoy your obviously just cleaned home." Anywho, this past Saturday after I was finished cleaning I looked for my air freshener....hello, little air freshener where are you...where could you be...I know I just saw you. Hrmph I gave up looking, oh well. I knew it didn't feel right not having sprayed my air freshener but what's a girl to do? It was the last one we had, dagnabit. Still, I move on...sit down and relax. I watched some cooking show and it made me hungry. I know! There's dill/ranch dip and carrots in the fridge...Ima get it!

Guess what I found in the fridge? Zee air freshener!!! :dye:

Spray spray then everything in my world was good, plus I had carrots and dip :yum:


So, when I clean house the last thing I do is spray the air freshener...sorta says, "Ahhhh, Whome...you done good. Now you may sit, relax and enjoy your obviously just cleaned home." Anywho, this past Saturday after I was finished cleaning I looked for my air freshener....hello, little air freshener where are you...where could you be...I know I just saw you. Hrmph I gave up looking, oh well. I knew it didn't feel right not having sprayed my air freshener but what's a girl to do? It was the last one we had, dagnabit. Still, I move on...sit down and relax. I watched some cooking show and it made me hungry. I know! There's dill/ranch dip and carrots in the fridge...Ima get it!

Guess what I found in the fridge? Zee air freshener!!! :dye:

Spray spray then everything in my world was good, plus I had carrots and dip :yum:


2 stupid 2 know what Bakin Soda things r 4. maybe it was that chitterlin thing :killingme or that skank in a tank

Lance, i have a question.



Dream Stealer

Lance, i have a question.


Word salad is a mixture of randomly chosen words that, while arranged in phrases that appear to give them meaning, actually carry no significance. A famous example is Noam Chomsky's phrase, "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously".

It may also refer to:

Schizophasia, a mental condition characterized by incoherent babbling (compulsive or intentional, but nonsensical)



Lance, i have a question.


Word salad is a mixture of randomly chosen words that, while arranged in phrases that appear to give them meaning, actually carry no significance. A famous example is Noam Chomsky's phrase, "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously".

It may also refer to:

Schizophasia, a mental condition characterized by incoherent babbling (compulsive or intentional, but nonsensical)

oooOOOOHHHH. Thank you!:buddies: I was just wondering if he knew what he meant.


So, when I clean house the last thing I do is spray the air freshener...sorta says, "Ahhhh, Whome...you done good. Now you may sit, relax and enjoy your obviously just cleaned home." Anywho, this past Saturday after I was finished cleaning I looked for my air freshener....hello, little air freshener where are you...where could you be...I know I just saw you. Hrmph I gave up looking, oh well. I knew it didn't feel right not having sprayed my air freshener but what's a girl to do? It was the last one we had, dagnabit. Still, I move on...sit down and relax. I watched some cooking show and it made me hungry. I know! There's dill/ranch dip and carrots in the fridge...Ima get it!

Guess what I found in the fridge? Zee air freshener!!! :dye:

Spray spray then everything in my world was good, plus I had carrots and dip :yum:

I hate when that happens :roflmao:


Teehee, I have no idea why I did that. It was ice cold too, like when you spray canned air :lmao:

:killingme Glad you found it!

Reminds me of the time my Gram couldn't find her tv remote anywhere. My Uncle was looking for it for 3 days, checked EVERYWHERE. He went to charge the cordless phone and what was on the phone charger? The remote! :yahoo: