Where is Osama??

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Lately I've been noticing a considerable lack of new info on the whereabouts of Mr. Bin Laden. News and information has been slowly tapering off over the last few years and it makes me believe that we were never at all close to catching him in the first place. Everyone was super optomistic in 2002 and I think now it's showing that we were never really close. Not that we haven't hampered his operations or anything, but I do see a shift in the news from a failure at catching Bin Laden and moving more towards the success of Iraqi Freedom.


Bustem' Down said:
Lately I've been noticing a considerable lack of new info on the whereabouts of Mr. Bin Laden. News and information has been slowly tapering off over the last few years and it makes me believe that we were never at all close to catching him in the first place. Everyone was super optomistic in 2002 and I think now it's showing that we were never really close. Not that we haven't hampered his operations or anything, but I do see a shift in the news from a failure at catching Bin Laden and moving more towards the success of Iraqi Freedom.

Watch Fareignheight (sp?) 911, that should explain a little. :lol:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
BuddyLee said:
I don't think we will find him and If we do he'll already be dead.
I think that much is true. Stomping around real loud with a lot of soldiers is not a good way to hunt. Makes all the game run away before it in range.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
I think that much is true. Stomping around real loud with a lot of soldiers is not a good way to hunt. Makes all the game run away before it in range.
Could be you have answered your own question? The hunt goes on. It is just being done without the bluster and commotion.


Lovin' being Texican
Bustem' Down said:
Lately I've been noticing a considerable lack of new info on the whereabouts of Mr. Bin Laden. News and information has been slowly tapering off over the last few years and it makes me believe that we were never at all close to catching him in the first place. Everyone was super optomistic in 2002 and I think now it's showing that we were never really close. Not that we haven't hampered his operations or anything, but I do see a shift in the news from a failure at catching Bin Laden and moving more towards the success of Iraqi Freedom.

Why does it continue to matter? The Democrats tried to ride this pony in 2004 and all they got was pony droppings.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It matters because he declared war...

Lenny said:
Why does it continue to matter? The Democrats tried to ride this pony in 2004 and all they got was pony droppings.

...on us.

He is a sworn enemy and we should not stop trying to kill him and his army until he surrenders and submits to our will or we have his body. To do otherwise would be disrespectful of him, his supporters and is motives as an enemy and, more importantly, an abomination to all the innocent men and woman he ordered slaughtered.

His battle cry is that we are cowards. The ONLY way we can win is by beating him. People of all walks are typically of the seeing is believing type; if he is still alive it is because Allah wills it. If we kill him and all his followers AND if Afghanistan successfully westernizes AND if Iraq becomes the incubator of Arab democracy and individual rights in the geographical heart of totalitarianism, then Osama is the biggest loser in history, his cause loses and it will be...Allahs will.

THAT is when the terror attacks stop and this war is won.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
2ndAmendment said:
Could be you have answered your own question? The hunt goes on. It is just being done without the bluster and commotion.
I think we should pull out the armies though. Give him a little breathing room, then when he pops his head out like a groundhog...pop!


Routinely Derailed
Someone got a pizza with his likeness showing through in the pattern of pepperonies, cheese, and anchovies. They say it was a freak of nature, but I say it was a freak of Four Star.


Routinely Derailed
He was caught stealing a chicken from a farm in Afghanistan. He was hung by his noodle and had his hands cut off, before dying of exposure.


Routinely Derailed
While hiding in a ventilation shaft, his cape was sucked up into a vent fan when it turned on unexpectedly. He was last seen hanging by the neck and spinning at 400 RPM.


Routinely Derailed
He was hiding in a 55 gallon drum behind a McDonald's when they came out and dumped 52 gallons of hot grease from the deep fat fryer into the drum.


Routinely Derailed
He discovered that not all detonator fuses burn at the same rate. May Allah have mercy on his soul.


Railroad said:
Someone got a pizza with his likeness showing through in the pattern of pepperonies, cheese, and anchovies. They say it was a freak of nature, but I say it was a freak of Four Star.

Was this the one :shrug: I always referred to this as forum smilie pizza... :lol:


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It's my hope that we never find him or catch him. I think that the moment we do, the Liberals will all rejoice that we've had our revenge against the terrorists, that the War on Terror has been won, and that we can go back to dismantling the military and spend more on social projects rather than continue to take the fight to the terrorists who take Osama's place.


Well-Known Member
2 years ago I posed that it would be best if he were simply to vanish...
A) We don't need a martyr to be mourned throughout the mad Muslem world
B) We don't need a prolonged trial that could prove embarrassing to the years we tried to aid the mojadeen
C Better to let him fade!


Routinely Derailed
I think the radical Muslims (I LIKE that term "Mad Muslims," Hessian!) will be turds and anti-rest of the world regardless of Bin Laden's fate. My hope is similar in some respects to both Bruzilla's and Hessians, just slightly different: I hope for his eternal silence or eternal low profile, so that he will become meaningless and irrelevant.