Here's the scoop. I know because I just went through it and it took me 7 weeks to get my Maytag fridge (under warranty) fixed. Whirlpool bought Maytag this past year and did not re-certify any repairmen in St Mary's or Calvert counties. The closest certified Maytag/Whirlpool repair facility is Tracy's Appliance Repair in Huntingtown. But, he's booked up and will not come down to St. Mary's anyway. You have to keep calling Maytag customer service over and over and over again. Keep a call log that includes the names, times, and dates that you spoke with someone. It tends to get their attention when you start quoting who said what, and what the last person you talked to said. Now, here's the kicker -- DON'T call someone like Sanders or A-1 (aka AAA) yourself and have them come out thinking you're going to send the bill to Maytag and be reinbursed. Maytag will only pay $150.00 towards the repair, unless you have a certified repairman, Maytag will not pay the full repair bill unless you have a certified repairman. I had to get this fridge repaired twice and I didn't do it right the first time. I lost out about $200.00 because they only paid $150.00 towards the bill. The second time I did it right. You MUST have Maytag customer service call a repair facillity, send them a work order, then the repair facility will come out and you pay nothing at all. I used A-1 repair both times. First time I had to pay, second time (when Maytag sent them a workorder) I paid nothing. If you call A-1 (aka AAA) repair, they will tell you they do not do warranty work. But Maytag called them, sent them a work order and they came out and it cost me nothing. They are not a certified repair facility, but they become one when Maytag calls them and sets it up. You have to get the customer service rep to find you a certified repairman, or have customer service send a work order to a local repair facility (since they haven't certified anyone). It took me 7 weeks before I finially got my fridge fixed. I bought mine from Lowe's, so it's not just Sears. GOOD LUCK!