Which Party?



Q: Which party took Social Security from an independent fund and put it in the general fund so that Congress could spend it?

A: It was Lyndon Johnson and the Democratic controlled House and Senate.

Q: Which party put a tax on Social Security?
A: The Democratic party.

Q: Which party increased the tax on Social Security?

A: The Democratic Party with Al Gore casting the deciding vote.

Q: Which party decided to give money to immigrants?

A: That's right, immigrants moved into this country and at 65 got SSI Social Security. The Democratic Party gave that to them although they never paid a dime into it.

Then, after doing all this, the Democrats turn around and tell you the Republicans want to take your Social Security.

And the worst part about it is, you believe it!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by smcdem
who made social sercurity in the first place...
You can blame FDR for that one!

He provided many parasitic programs to misdirect the serfs.


New Member
Yeah FDR did some awful things like giving this area electricity. Same on him and his liberal bedfellows. The TVA, his creation, FDIC, yup it was his, getting outta the Depression. His. Do not demean the great presidents like FDR.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by demsformd
... getting outta the Depression. His. Do not demean the great presidents like FDR.
Uhhh. Excuse me Dims... But it was America that got itself out of the depression by pulling itself up by the bootstraps. Not IOU's created by a socialist moron.

And as for your last comment it's only society’s leeches that don't see these programs for what they are... Atrocities.

To you and the ones too stupid or lazy to plan for their own future, they're a "gimme" fund... For anyone with a grain of common sense and an understanding of investment return they are worthless.


Great President... Not in this world. :boo:


New Member
Originally posted by Kyle
You can blame FDR for that one!

He provided many parasitic programs to misdirect the serfs.

Actually Kyle, it was Eleanor Roosevelt as opposed to Franklin who started the Social Security Program. Her goal was to protect the poor misguided serfs from themselves. Social Security was never intended to be a retirement fund it was simply supposed to be a supplement to the average serfs own plan for his/her old age. Somewhere along the line the silly little serfs forgot the second part of this equation.


My grandmother gets next to nothing because she never worked, she gets half of her dead husbands benefits. Yet someone that moves to this country that had never had any money paid into the fund by his familes income gets benefits. Makes you wonder why some old folk get so little.

SS is the biggest waste of my money, its really no better than sticking the money in a sock and burying it in the back yard.

Like I said in another thread US Savings bonds are guranteed and offer over twice the growth rate of SS, so why in the hell do politicians still cling to SS?

At work I have $25 a paycheck taken out of my check every two weeks to invest in savings bonds, in 30 years I will have paid less than 1/4 for the savings bonds and will have much more than the social security will provide.

demsformd please tell me why SS is so great?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Delilah903

Actually Kyle, it was Eleanor Roosevelt as opposed to Franklin who started the Social Security Program. Her goal was to protect the poor misguided serfs from themselves. Social Security was never intended to be a retirement fund it was simply supposed to be a supplement to the average serfs own plan for his/her old age. Somewhere along the line the silly little serfs forgot the second part of this equation.
WOW!!! I never knew Elenor was elected to anything.... :roflmao:

I think you'll find FDR and the Congress of the time in the name plate on the bottom of the Socialist Security Act.

And again... The "supplement" BS... Thats not how it's functioning, it's being treated as a retirement benefit, and if we don't bring it to an end it will continue to be used as such.

With a2% return it needs to end. Hell anyone can do better than that with a savings account for crise-sake!:mad:


It was also FDR that provoked the Japaneese into attacking us to get us into WW2 instead of just having the balls to get into it because it was the right thing to do.

FDR brought electricity here about as much as Al Gore invented the internet. It really burns me when politicians get the kudos for something taht a group of hardworking buisness owners, laborors, and engineers actually did.

SO I guess it was Ronald Regan that was responsible for the computer revolution of the 1980's? Hardly.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by Heretic
SS is the biggest waste of my money, its really no better than sticking the money in a sock and burying it in the back yard.

Social Security is necessary in our country, because people wouldn't save money for themselves, and then we would be left holding the bill anyway. At this point, it needs a major overhaul so that there will be something there for those of us who are younger.

As for the sock, today, the sock savings is far better than Social Security, because you know the sock will still be in the backyard when you need it. The same can't be said for SS...

Please don't forget that YOU pay 7.2% to Social Security, and .45% to Medicare every paycheck. The outrage is that most people forget that your employer pays the SAME amount into YOUR SS ACCOUNT! So if you're b*tchin' because so much goes to SS every paycheck, double your anger and remember that the amount you're complaining about goes in there TWICE!


Originally posted by Nodnarb

Social Security is necessary in our country, because people wouldn't save money for themselves,

That would be their own damn fault.

I think its an outrage that my money is taken and I have no say what so ever when I can get access to it and may even be denied to it when I need it.

If I am dying of cancer at age 55 and need all that SS money that I payed out of my paycheck for my medical bills I can't get it. My family will get a big whopping $400 to bury me and thats about it.

Social Security has just turned into another pot of money for the government to use like income taxes, if they want the money atleast be honest about it and just increase taxes dont lie to us and tell us its for our own good.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Fun With Numbers

The outrage is that most people forget that your employer pays the SAME amount into YOUR SS ACCOUNT!
Thank you, Nodnarb, for pointing that out. I wanted to address that but kept forgetting.

Normal Americans do not write a monthly check for their taxes, SS, Medicare, Unemployment, etc. But the employers DO. WE write HUGE checks every month and/or quarter. And we look at that check we're writing and go, "Sunny bean! That's a LOT of money!" It would behoove more Americans to be able to write their own tax check every month - it would surely make them pay more attention.


Im sure thats part of what makes layoffs so attractive to companies. Get rid of one $40,000 a year job and keep $60,000 a year.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Let me mention health care for a second. If your company has what you consider a good health plan, it's probably one where you pay a $10 co-pay for doctor visits and prescriptions, right?

Do you realize that your employer pays about $600 - $1000 per employee per month for a family plan like that? Now, if your employer just gave you that money every month and you had to get your own health insurance, would you sh*t every time you had to pay that premium? Damn straight you would! Just like if you wrote a check for your taxes every month.


Vrai, I wish I was given the money to do with as I wish and take the responsibilities myself too.

Oh well because of other peoples lack of responsibility or fear of responsibility I am not allowed to take care of myself as I see fit.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I agree, Heretic. My point was that people would pay more attention to where that money is going if they had to pay it themselves. Business owners have been complaining about health care premiums for ages. But average citizens have never jumped on the bandwagon because, frankly, it doesn't concern them. They're not paying for it, which doesn't make it real. Just like taxes.


That 30% they take out of my paycheck every two weeks is pretty damn real to me.

I wonder if employers quit withholding and gave you your full paycheck how many people would still have their tax money at the end of the year and how many would have new cars and stuff like that.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Heretic
... If I am dying of cancer at age 55 and need all that SS money that I payed out of my paycheck for my medical bills I can't get it. My family will get a big whopping $400 to bury me and thats about it...
That's it in a nutshell. If you die early in life they get to keep it.

Sort of a life insurance policy the government gets paid off on while you and your employer are forced to pay all the premiums.