White Clawing


PREMO Member
Dating in 2020 is a minefield, y’all — between orbiting, breadcrumbing, Gatsbying, and good ol’ fashioned ghosting, there's a multitude of potential hazards you could run into while trying to meet “The One” (or at least the one for right now). The latest term to wrap your mind around is White Clawing, and it’s probably something you’ve already practiced at least once. What is White Clawing? This trend refers to dating someone exclusively for their dazzling good looks — even if you find them to be dull AF. It’s named after the popular spiked seltzer brand, which many might agree seems enticing on the surface, but actually tastes pretty bland and flavorless once you start sipping it.


"While I didn't know the name for it at the time, I've definitely White Clawed before,” says Hannah, 26. “The worst was the time I dated this very handsome, extremely tall guy with a cute Australian accent for five months. He was so boring, we had nothing in common, and he made straight-up rude comments under the guise of being 'funny.' (He was not funny.) When I introduced him to my friends, though, they didn't notice any of his bad traits... one kept whispering behind his back, 'OMG, he's so hot.'"



Well-Known Member
I'm surprised this even gets a NAME. You mean, until recently, people didn't largely ask someone out because they were - gasp - good-looking?

Heck, I can remember in the 70's and 80's, my sister would date a guy she COULD NOT STAND because he was taking her to a restaurant she wanted to go to. I remember girls in high school going to dances with guys they thought were UGLY and didn't like - but they were good dancers.

And I'd easily say just about every guy I've ever known - including myself - have asked a girl out and dated pretty much based on their looks.
Maybe even half of their dates.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I'm surprised this even gets a NAME. You mean, until recently, people didn't largely ask someone out because they were - gasp - good-looking?

Heck, I can remember in the 70's and 80's, my sister would date a guy she COULD NOT STAND because he was taking her to a restaurant she wanted to go to. I remember girls in high school going to dances with guys they thought were UGLY and didn't like - but they were good dancers.

And I'd easily say just about every guy I've ever known - including myself - have asked a girl out and dated pretty much based on their looks.
Maybe even half of their dates.
Exactly! :lmao:

Every generation thinks they have "original" or "the newest/latest" social or cultural trends. Mostly, these are the same types of human behavioral trends that appear over and over. They just get new names based on the generation in which they're now trending.


Well-Known Member
Exactly! :lmao:

Every generation thinks they have "original" or "the newest/latest" social or cultural trends. Mostly, these are the same types of human behavioral trends that appear over and over. They just get new names based on the generation in which they're now trending.

If it's human behavior - it's been done before. I'd ghosted people for decades before I knew it had a NAME.


Resident PIA
psychology teaches us that first impressions are based on looks / appearance.
It also says we tend to have a Self-fulfilling prophecy when it comes to good looking people.
Then there are those who's game is to get something from the date that they might not otherwise obtain.
So they will target someone they feel is susceptible to being manipulated.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
psychology teaches us that first impressions are based on looks / appearance.
It also says we tend to have a Self-fulfilling prophecy when it comes to good looking people.
Then there are those who's game is to get something from the date that they might not otherwise obtain.
So they will target someone they feel is susceptible to being manipulated.
So true, so true. :yay: