White History Month

Should White History Month be celebrated?

  • Yes, allow White Americans the same opportunity

    Votes: 50 41.7%
  • No, we celebrate White History for 11 months already

    Votes: 18 15.0%
  • Do away with all ethnic holidays

    Votes: 52 43.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
Should Whites be allowed to have a "separate but equal" month celebrating and commemorating the history and achievement of Whites in America?


Go Bills!
April 1st!


American (all white?) forces landed on Okinawa during World War II. This was a joke BTW.. I forgot to add the sarcasm smiley. But being to quick to want cut people down you made a case that I may be a racist.
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White Buddah

I voted to do away with all of the ethnice months. Everybody is equal :blahblah::blahblah:. But, there are certain months for different races. How ironic. I just don't understand why people can't take the time to pass down information about their families, read about history, and still come to the conclusion that racism will never end???


I voted to do away with all of the ethnice months. Everybody is equal :blahblah::blahblah:. But, there are certain months for different races. How ironic. I just don't understand why people can't take the time to pass down information about their families, read about history, and still come to the conclusion that racism will never end???

I agree with your point also..:yay:


Well-Known Member
I didn't vote. What's so friggin' hard about just saying "other"?

I always felt that ethnic related holidays or observances had to do with one of two things - a sense of lack of empowerment, where you need reminders that your particular ethnic group actually HAS contributed to the human race in a valuable fashion and merits recognition - or from a sense of strong ethnic pride and kinship. Hence, we have Celtic Festivals and Italian American events - not because hailing from such ancestry means they need to be reminded and encouraged by it, but they're just so damned proud to be Irish or Italian.

I'm not either - not really. I don't feel especially bothered by the fact that I'm white, I don't need to be reminded that whites have been historically significant or beneficial to the human race. I don't need reminders that so and so was a white man. And when I see another white person, I don't have some kind of sense of kinship with them. I'm not a foreigner in a foreign land. I actually am more Irish/Scottish than anything else, but I really don't care much about it, so it's not as though I'd go to that Celtic thing in Calvert to swell with pride over my ancestry.

So why would I need one? I'd sooner celebrate a holiday for geeks and nerds.

Yeah. April Fool.


New Member
I voted yes there should be a white history month. I'm not trying to be racist, but I want my month too. The African American's did contribute, for example it was a black man who came up with the idea for blood transfusions. But ultimately it isn't fair to have just one race/ethnic group honored like that. Other people besides the blacks have suffered just as well. For example the Jewish people during the Holocaust. Where's a month honoring them? Why do we only spend not even a week learning about that history in school? Why don't we have an american soldier month? SOO..with that I retract my vote and believe that we should just do away with the ethnic honorary(sp) months. It isn't fair. But hey it is nice Having Martin Luther King Jr. day off and Getting paid for it too.


This thread is retarded. :dork:
:lmao: Ironic, because that statement comes from a man who has references to superpower tardness in his sig

Not bangin' on ya... just makes me laugh at the irony of it.


White history wouldn't make sense anyway. There are white people from Russia, Germany, Holland, South Africa for craps sake. I feel no pride for what a Dutch person does just because he/she is white. I feel considerably more pride concerning what an black American contributes to the world and would be eager to learn more about his/her accomplishments.


Jeepers Creepers
White history wouldn't make sense anyway. There are white people from Russia, Germany, Holland, South Africa for craps sake. I feel no pride for what a Dutch person does just because he/she is white. I feel considerably more pride concerning what an black American contributes to the world and would be eager to learn more about his/her accomplishments.



I'm Rick James #####!
:lmao: Ironic, because that statement comes from a man who has references to superpower tardness in his sig

Not bangin' on ya... just makes me laugh at the irony of it.

Isn't that like an uber-qual for identifying tard factor?


New Member
This thread is just full of racist propagandfa. I can't wait until Obama becomes president and puts a stop to all of this racial nonsence.


This thread is just full of racist propagandfa. I can't wait until Obama becomes president and puts a stop to all of this racial nonsence.

:yeahthat: When he gets in and appoints Rev. Wright as Sec. State and J. Jackson as Attorney General and Al Sharpton as press secretary everything will be fixed. No more propagandfa.