White House Coup


PREMO Member

People are questioning whether Biden actually resigned or was the victim of a coup​

By Andrea Widburg

For now, I’m taking at face value that Biden has withdrawn from the presidential campaign via a tweeted-out letter, with the promise of a live statement to follow. However, a surprising number of people believe that, considering how consequential Biden’s statement is, a tweeted-out letter suggests a coup rather than a voluntary resignation. More than anything, this reveals how the Biden administration has destroyed all trust in the government.

To catch you up on things, Biden put out two separate tweets. The first, at 1:46 p.m. Eastern Time, announced his resignation:

The second, roughly 30 minutes later, at 2:13 p.m. Eastern Time, finally endorsed Kamala:

The whole thing is peculiar, aside from its uniqueness in American political history. What’s appeared on X, the social media site where political junkies live, is a growing suspicion that Biden didn’t actually resign. Instead, many people (possibly hundreds) hypothesize that the letter was put out on Biden’s behalf, forcing him to accept a fait accompli. Had Joe actually withdrawn on his own initiative, most believe he would have made that consequential announcement in person rather than via a letter. And of course, the memes are already in play:



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
It's a Coup against Biden, no doubt about that.

Not sure why Harris is going to allow herself to be a puppet. It will be very interesting to watch this Black woman, who might be the first female POTUS let herself get pushed around by all these Deep State Mafia Bosses. :coffee:


PREMO Member
Not sure why Harris is going to allow herself to be a puppet. It will be very interesting to watch this Black woman, who might be the first female POTUS let herself get pushed around by all these Deep State Mafia Bosses. :coffee:

Title and Accolades


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Title and Accolades
I get that, as evidenced by her record back in Cali...

But this is different. It looks like there will be MANY DEMANDS made on her ... and her hubby/family.

Mark Levin is right - the Democrat Machine have stolen the Primary again and disenfranchised their own voters. The thing is - the Democrats (a lot of voters) are too ignorant to realize it. They're oblivious and won't even protest. The Machine is going to get rid of her before the Election or she's going to be the biggest puppet there ever was (if she should "win")

This will be fun to watch! :popcorn:


PREMO Member
I get that, as evidenced by her record back in Cali...

But this is different. It looks like there will be MANY DEMANDS made on her ... and her hubby/family.

I understand, I'd say Power And Wealth as well ... but she wouldn't really be in charge, so not much power directly ... I'm not sure why else subject yourself to being a puppet


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I understand, I'd say Power And Wealth as well ... but she wouldn't really be in charge, so not much power directly ... I'm not sure why else subject yourself to being a puppet
Right. :yay: She's a mental midget, really - not like a Hillary Clinton, who is at least intellgent SOUNDING, but she's ruthless and you can see her motivation.


Well-Known Member
It's like this -

Joe has never been running the show - this has been evident for years in pressers where he mutters things like "I'll get in trouble if I say or do..." or "who am I supposed to call on?". These situations are myriad. He has always been TOLD what he is supposed to do.

There's a play - and a series - called "I Claudius" and the crucial part I will refer to is that, upon the assassination of Caligula, the Roman Praetorian Guard decides on their own to declare Claudius emperor. Up until that point, he was VERY widely believed to be old and cognitively impaired. In the play - a "half-wit". (He's also crippled). In fact, historically it is believed that Claudius had epilepsy, and it would be easy to believe a frail old man with epilepsy was probably mentally retarded.

THAT is what I always believed has happened, with Joe. Well heeled Wall Street donors installed him - and hoped they could prep him well enough to get past the debate. They held it early as a litmus test for their gamble. If he succeeded, they could spend all summer banging on "convicted felon" and push Biden to the finish line.

It didn't work. So they moved against him and got him to quit. I really wouldn't be surprised if some of his detractors - mostly representatives from districts that COULD possibly flip - were pressured to do so by donors, although they're Dems, and their loyalty is easily bought. How do I know this? WATCH - all of those people who said horrible things about him - from his own party - will be patting him on the head with "good boy" and praising him for his love of country and all that.

But in brief - the DNC is NOT a democracy - it is an oligarchy, owned by the rich. It's not for naught that even BIDEN referred to "elites", a term usually used by Trump and Republicans.


Well-Known Member

The Democratic justification was that people were voting for the ticket of Biden/Harris, so technically, she got those votes also.

Uhhh - one, bullsht, because if that were true, there would be no need to transfer anything. Funds, delegates - nada.
Two - it is still possible for a candidate to select someone OTHER than their existing VP for the ticket. FDR ditched John Nance Garner in 1940, and again ditched Wallace for Truman in 1944. Ford ditched Rockefeller, although that was mostly agreed upon. (Those are the ones that come to memory - a deeper dive probably would reveal more in early election history).

It is the whole identity politics which the Democrats have gambled - and succeeded in - with aplomb. Let's vote for a black President! Let's vote for a woman President! And so on. I suspect sometime in the future when historians muse over the downfall of the American nation - they will point to where we elected the first non-HUMAN president. We currently have a culture that will not tolerate opposition to a candidate if they tick off the right boxes. This MUST end or it will be the end of democracy. Electing fools that are manipulated by others is oligarchy. Or plutocracy.


PREMO Member
The Democratic justification was that people were voting for the ticket of Biden/Harris, so technically, she got those votes also.

I've seen references to 13 states Biden cannot be replaced :sshrug:

So I am thinking Biden / Harris ticket cannot straight up be replaced ?

Otherwise Harris is going to be a disaster ... she was the 1st on to drop out in 16 after Tulsi roasted her on Black Prosecutions