White Supremacist, Wife Die in Murder-Suicide


Ubi bene ibi patria
White Supremacist, Wife Die in Apparent Murder-Suicide

"This Monday, Feb. 18, 52-year-old white supremacist James “Yankee Jim” Leshkevich sat before his computer screen and typed these words: “This will be the last post on [Leshkevich’s blog] The Hudson Valley Freeman for a while. I’m just too depressed over all this to continue. Hopefully that will change in the future.”

It didn’t.

The following morning, police in West Hurley, N.Y., found Leshkevich’s body hanging in a garage attached to the home he shared with his 55-year-old wife Deborah, who was found beaten and strangled to death in the couple’s bedroom, the victim of an apparent murder-suicide.

White Supremacist, Wife Die in Apparent Murder-Suicide | Hatewatch

Leshkevich's Last blog entry.....

The Hudson Valley Freeman: I Caught My Wife Sleeping With Another Man...


New Member
I think he made it all up.......he states that the kids will not have anything to do with him. I think the wife's affair was all in his head and or his reason for getting rid of her then he had a conscience attack and hanged himself.....who knows????:whistle:



I thought white racists only lived south of the Mason-Dixon line.



Lovin' being Texican
White Supremacist, Wife Die in Apparent Murder-Suicide

"This Monday, Feb. 18, 52-year-old white supremacist James “Yankee Jim” Leshkevich sat before his computer screen and typed these words: “This will be the last post on [Leshkevich’s blog] The Hudson Valley Freeman for a while. I’m just too depressed over all this to continue. Hopefully that will change in the future.”

Boy, Annoyboy, you frequent some really ####ed up websites. HATE WATCH?


Ubi bene ibi patria
Hal Turner's view of the murder-suicide...........

Hal Turner is a former Republican party official and regular Sean Hannity guest

Here's what Turner has to say. Scroll down for the comment section below the article. Most of Turner's friends sound like sleaze bags too.

My View of the Yankee Jim Murder-Suicide
"A Wicked, Taunting Adulteress Got Exactly What She Deserved!

My friend and long-time caller to my show, Yankee Jim, beat his wife's head in then strangled her to death. He then hanged himself.

Jim's wife, Deborah Leshkevich, intentionally and repeatedly cheated on her husband, Jim.

She engaged in "speed dating" on the internet and cheated with any number of others men for over a year.

Each time she was caught by her husband, he forgave her and trusted her to once again be faithful, only to find himself betrayed again and again.

In the most recent case, she even went so far as to claim to her boyfriend that she was "legally separated but living with her husband for economic purposes." Imagine the nerve of a woman who is feeding off her husband economically while she is sleeping around, then taunted Jimmy with it by telling him "Yes, I ####ed another man and I liked it."! There's a word for that: slut.

Deborah Leshkevich was a wicked, taunting adulteress. She got exactly what she deserved.

The real tragedy of this incident is the death of Jimmy Leshkevich by his own hand. He was a good and decent man who supported and loved his family. He publicly stood-up for his race despite being reviled for it.

Jim Leshkevich was a friend of mine and I mourn his death. Jim was able to be a friend of mine because he met my criteria for friendship.

In order to be my friend, a person must be:
1) Willing to kill for our beliefs, AND;
2) Not afraid to die.

All the people who involve themselves with me fit this criteria.

Those speaking ill of my friend Jim would do well to remember this fact. If folks can't say anything nice about Jim, it would be best for them to say nothing at all."

The Hal Turner Show