Who Believes Anthony Fauci?


PREMO Member
That’s Anthony Fauci, MD, who famously told us that masks don’t work, and then told us, by God, wearing them is imperative. Fauci, a flip-flopper? Perish the thought.

So, make no mistake, if Fauci, a decades-long D.C. player, says that lockdowns are off the table, they’re on the table -- at the White House and among congressional Democrats. Lockdowns are what Democrats want -- and not to protect anyone from the Delta variant. No, they want to reimpose lockdowns because they’re a means of control, an expression of their power. These Democrats are variants, too, statist variants spawned by Marxist creed. Mark Levin has a thing or two to say about that.

America has entered a Kafkaesque period. Lies are truths, wrongs are rights, and individuals who can’t abide the zig-zagging that Fauci and his allies do routinely… who can’t abide the brazen gaslighting and hypocrisies, who won’t swallow the suspect science, and who have the nerve to call out all the falsity, are targets for cancellation, which is a form of control.

The American establishment is thoroughly debauched. The sweep of that debauchery is impressive. The rot is in our governments, news media, education institutions, sciences, arts and entertainment, corporations, sports… where corruption isn’t is harder to identify.
We know that lockdowns are on Democrats’ minds because they almost inevitably ape what statists do overseas.


So-called progressives -- that collection of oligarchs, socialists, fascists, corporatists, grifters, and hardcore Marxists -- over the last year and a half have revealed themselves. They’re entitled, they believe; education, credentials, connections, social standing, and, generally, wealth make it so. They make the rules, no matter how capricious and damaging. Their rules don’t apply to them, however.

Here in the States, we’re daily admonished to mask-up and vax-up. We have a patriotic duty, says our addled president and his surrogates, to do one, the other, or now both. Meanwhile, as a matter of unspoken Biden policy, the nation’s southern border is a festering wound. An estimated 2 million illegals are expected to pour across the Mexican-American border this year. What about next year, and the year after that?



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Fauci Recommends Stopping Spread Of Monkeypox By Covering Eyes, Ears, Mouth

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Monkeypox pandemic has finally breached the shores of the United States, with the CDC confirming a staggering 1 infections so far. In response, America's favorite, most trusted doctor, Dr. Anthony Fauci, issued a statement recommending people stop the spread of Monkeypox by covering their eyes, ears, and mouth.

Fauci accepted 137 TV interviews and a book deal after issuing the guidelines essentially recommending people look the other way rather than investigate the source of this new outbreak.

"As I, the Science, have always said, lockdowns don't work. What really works is turning a blind eye to where this outbreak nonsense may or may not have leaked from," said Dr. Fauci to a fawning NBC news anchor trying to get his autograph. "And I'd like to add that there is no evidence the Monkeypox outbreak is connected to the NIH-funded Institute of Monkeypox Studies next door to patient zero."



Just sneakin' around....