Who can relate to this tale?


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
In 1 of my Navy facebook pages, 1 of the guy says he's writing a book. He asks if anyone wants to preview it. So I message him for a copy so I can check it out. For a non writer, it's pretty good read. A few laugh out loud segments. But I don't think he was trying to get laughs.

Some of the incidents that he relates sound very familiar. A few things I forgot about until his writing reminded me.

Here's 1 of his tales.

I was out to sea and Heather was back to managing the household. The twins had a doctor’s appointment.

When you have an appointment at a military facility, and you miss it or run late you can get penalized and the service member since they are the “Responsible Military Member” is the one that gets in trouble for the wasting of “Government Resources” because they notify your Command.

Well Heather was running late. She got the twins ready first and put them in their room then went to get Jordon and Darien ready to go. In the meantime, the twins had crap themselves and got undressed and smeared themselves, the walls, the carpet with it.

Heather was panicked so she did the only thing she could do, she dunked them in the tub, got them dressed again and flew out the door so she could get there late but still in time for them to not cancel the appointment.

Well, who should show up, but the maintenance man and he let himself in, saw the mess and reported it to housing, which in turn had reported her to the Department of Child Health and Services for Heather being an “un-fit” mother.

So, the Command was notified. I got my ass reamed by Master Chief and we ultimately were kicked out of Housing for “Failure to keep our house up to Military Standards!” So now I found myself Pissed-off at the World, Depressed, Stressed Out and under the Microscope again through no-fault of our own, yet I took it out on Heather.

Oh the joys of military life.

He does have an odd habit of capitalizing words mid sentence. I pointed that out to him. He said he does it all the time but doesn't know why. Even in facebook messages and other type of communications.


Well-Known Member
Living in the barracks was bad enough, depending on your duty station.