Who Dares Oppose the Obamas!


No Use for Donk Twits
In the thick of the fight over the wrong Reverend Wright, Barack Obama put on his annoyed face and said the whole issue of his preacher's hate speech was a distraction from the real issues, like health care and education and war. So many in the media were quick to agree. But now that the primaries are over, the network news crews aren't covering the issues. They're warbling a happy tune about all of Barack and Michelle Obama's wonderful personal qualities.

Here's another issue-free news story on the "Today" show: On June 26, Matt Lauer giddily announced that Rolling Stone magazine put Barack Obama on the cover for the second time this year. Rolling Stone founder Jann Wenner was channeling the hopes and wishes and dreams of the network news elite: "The tides of history are running strong and fast these days. Ride them, or be crushed. Obama has history on his side, and that's pretty irresistible."

Ride with the media herd -- or be crushed. They ought to wear that motto on campaign buttons.

The most glaring example of a double standard on candidate personalities came from CBS's "The Early Show." On June 18, CBS reporter Jeff Glor tried to list five things we didn't know about Obama, and he oozed that in addition to bicycling and basketball, Obama loves to play Scrabble. But he hates ice cream, since he worked at a Baskin-Robbins as a teenager. CBS co-host Julie Chen declared: "So Rocky Road is like his Kryptonite?"

On June 23, CBS lined up five things you might not know about McCain, and check out the difference in tone. He wasn't born in the United States, but in the Panama Canal Zone. He was nicknamed "the punk" in high school, a reputation that "followed to the Naval Academy," where he graduated fifth from the bottom of his class. When he crashed in Vietnam, it was "It was not his first, it was not his second. It was his third crash as a pilot."

This is the same network that trashed George Bush's record as a pilot, but Dan Rather told John Kerry he should be furious that Bush "in effect" was running a campaign trying "its best to diminish your service in Vietnam."

The one positive thing on the list came next, that his Vietnamese captors called McCain the "crown prince," due to his admiral father, but he declined to accept a trip home before his comrades. Then emerged the final "unknown" nugget: "When he first ran for Congress he was charged with being a carpetbagger."

CBS couldn't muster any of those engrossing details about his taste in board games and desserts, apparently.

Who Dares Oppose the Obamas? Brent Bozell III

From 'The View' to supposedly 'hard news' organizations, the boot-licking is nauseous. Now that Obama has locked up the nomination, he is running to the center, so much so that lefties are lamenting that Obama is running for a Bush third term. How much longer will the LSM cover Obama's personality and supposed charisma and finally focus on his daily changing positions?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
From 'The View' to supposedly 'hard news' organizations, the boot-licking is nauseous. Now that Obama has locked up the nomination, he is running to the center, so much so that lefties are lamenting that Obama is running for a Bush third term. How much longer will the LSM cover Obama's personality and supposed charisma and finally focus on his daily changing positions?



Lovin' being Texican


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