Who introduced you to Jesus?


New Member
When I was a kid.... my dad told me about Jesus.

He was the deacon in our local little start up Baptist Church in Gales Ferry, Conn.

Later in life Daddy didn't attend church regularly anymore.... I asked him "why". He said God wasn't calling him to work in the church right now....

Towards the end of his life here on earth....My mother had been saying that she thought Daddy was suffering from some kind of dementia because sitting in their living room Daddy kept saying he wanted to go home.... she said he kept asking to go home.... she thought he meant his home town in North Carolina or he had lost his faculties due to dementia.... Now I know what he was talking about....

When Daddy was in the hospital the last time.... we talked about Jesus and Heaven.... I told him that if Jesus was calling him home he should go.... after all our family would never want him to go.... they were always going to look for some miraculous cure.... and Heaven is Heaven after all...

Daddy went to see Jesus a couple hours after we had that discussion....

Daddy introduced me to Jesus....

Who told you about Jesus?

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Parents went to church every Sunday and took all of us with them as long as I can remember. :shrug: That and catechism every Sunday as soon as we started the first grade.


New Member
Parents went to church every Sunday and took all of us with them as long as I can remember. :shrug: That and catechism every Sunday as soon as we started the first grade.

Was there a person? Someone who brought Jesus to life for you?



Well-Known Member
No. I'm Catholic. That's the way you were brought up. :shrug: Parents took their kids to church.

My parents by taking us to church every Sunday. I'm not Catholic, but that's how it is with parents across the spectrum, right? Including those that never go or take their kids to any kind of service.

I wasted a lot of years by not taking the final step - completely believing - I didn't get saved until I was 23. One of my best friends in HS was killed at 19 in a motorcycle crash while I was overseas in the Navy. I'm pretty sure he wasn't saved. I think, probably daily, about that missed opportunity to present the Gospel to him, even though I was not a Christian during those years. I knew the process, and maybe he would have believed before me, and hurried my salvation as well.

Don't waste any opportunity, especially for family and friends. Try and be bold, and I find that difficult sometimes.
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New Member
My parents by taking us to church every Sunday. I'm not Catholic, but that's how it is with parents across the spectrum, right? Including those that never go or take their kids to any kind of service.

I wasted a lot of years by not taking the final step - completely believing - I didn't get saved until I was 23. One of my best friends in HS was killed at 19 in a motorcycle crash while I was overseas in the Navy. I'm pretty sure he wasn't saved. I think, probably daily, about that missed opportunity to present the Gospel to him, even though I was not a Christian during those years. I knew the process, and maybe he would have believed before me, and hurried my salvation as well.

Don't waste any opportunity, especially for family and friends. Try and be bold, and I find that difficult sometimes.

Is there a trigger you can think of [or are willing to share] that actually caused you to be saved at 23?

It seems to me that a lot of people are in the churches who haven't been saved yet.... and I'm wondering if knowing the triggers might help them over the hump.



New Member
Never considered myself saved because I never considered myself unsaved. :shrug:

So you never do anything wrong or anything that could be considered wrong by others [let alone God]?

So you never feel like you need forgiveness for anything?



Soul Probe
So you never do anything wrong or anything that could be considered wrong by others [let alone God]?

So you never feel like you need forgiveness for anything?


Does being saved mean you're perfect and never in need of forgiveness? If so, then no one is saved and anyone who says they are is deluded.

I went to church as a kid, but nobody really introduced me to Jesus or at least in any way that made me a believer. Jesus, however, introduced Himself to me in a big way at the age of 21. I consider it my coming of age gift. Btw, some people would consider that "saved" but I don't. I think my salvation is a work in progress.

A bitter sweet and wonderful story about your daddy, hotcoffee. :huggy:


So you never do anything wrong or anything that could be considered wrong by others [let alone God]?

So you never feel like you need forgiveness for anything?

Didn't say any of that. If I commit a sin, by the Catholic religion, you go to Confession, and of course, Communion.


New Member
Does being saved mean you're perfect and never in need of forgiveness? If so, then no one is saved and anyone who says they are is deluded.

I was afraid the comment about being perfect was going to be misunderstood.... Sorry....

What I meant by that.... Things don't always go as plan... Paul said he tried to follow the Lord totally but he kept messing up. Everyone falls short.

When I saw Vince saying he didn't consider himself unsaved... it worried me that he might have been saying he didn't need Salvation.

What I see now is that he was saying he didn't know he needed Salvation.... right?

Jesus showed up in my life when my mom was on a tare.... Then I saw His picture.... Daddy told me who He is....

I guess it's true.... Jesus introduces Himself to us Himself.... Jesus calls....

I went to church as a kid, but nobody really introduced me to Jesus or at least in any way that made me a believer. Jesus, however, introduced Himself to me in a big way at the age of 21. I consider it my coming of age gift. Btw, some people would consider that "saved" but I don't. I think my salvation is a work in progress.

A bitter sweet and wonderful story about your daddy, hotcoffee. :huggy:

Jesus introduces Himself to people all the time. Once you accept Him in your life then you receive the gift of Salvation. Salvation is a gift....

Then like Paul says.... we try to be more like Christ and we fail over and over again.... The way I hear it.... Jesus knows we will fail and He's sent the Holy Spirit to help us through those times. He's already wiped the slate clean when we accepted Him. We keep putting stuff on the slate... that we will answer for one day when we meet the Father....

But hey.... I'm just thankful He saved me from having to answer for the stuff that was on that slate before I accepted Him in my life. I try to put more good stuff on my slate that will earn me a pat on the head rather than putting bad stuff on my slate that will get me a smack on the butt.... know what I mean?
