Who is Dean Phillips?


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PREMO Member
Until about five minutes ago - I didn't know.

He is one of only TWO currently declared opponents of Joe Biden in the primaries. The other of course, being Marianne Williamson who - despite some very cogent, lucid interviews - is still largely regarded by the public as a bit of a kook.

To my knowledge - the other possible challengers for the Democratic nomination are at this point too late. I might be wrong.

Now he's not going to be chosen - like Williamson, he's not even on all the ballots in all the states, and among those are Florida and North Carolina. Williamson is worse - not on the primary ballot for 14 states. It's going to be Biden. I'm not sure if anything can intervene.

But what happens if Phillips BEATS him on Super Tuesday?

It seems to me that if the Democrat establishment DOESN'T want Biden to run, their best chance is to begin promoting Phillips on the air waves - inviting him on shows, presenting him as a younger (54) businessman who isn't senile. As a Biden *replacement* - he votes with Biden 100% of the time, and is utterly on board with every major Democratic issue. He's their guy.

Why haven't they picked him?


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PREMO Member
Thing is - the Biden/Harris ticket is the one offering I'm pretty sure is a loser.

I am surprised the DNC hasn't moved a muscle on this.


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The threats of Democracy dying, if trump is elected and Trump becoming a dictator are so farcical and silly that it would seem anyone with intelligence would consider it foolish, but evidently many Democrats are falling for it.
And all the while the Democrats cheating and destroying the elections and filling Government with deep staters, and using the Injustice Department to imprison Republicans and trying to imprison a former President because they fear real Americans will re-elect him should be enough evidence that Democrats are DOING what they are accusing Republicans of.

If America goes under it won't be patriots that do it. It will be corrupt politicians and damned easily fooled idiots.
Corruption in both parties. I am ashamed to be called Republican, but I am not half as ashamed as any Democrat should be. but I know that the next President will be elected by one of the 2 parties we have and I want a say in the primaries. Neither of America's political parties is worthy of the task. Not the people that belong to the parties so much as the leadership, the politicians the liars, the ones feathering their own nests.
We need to go back to Congress in session for 3 months and new politicians elected at every election and no one allowed to stay for more than 2 terms.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
We need to go back to Congress in session for 3 months
I don't think the Congress has ever had a mandated session duration. Sessions have lasted as little as 9 days to over 200 days,



Well-Known Member
I don't think the Congress has ever had a mandated session duration. Sessions have lasted as little as 9 days to over 200 days,

It appears to me that the less time they stay in session the less damage they can do to America.

As a matter of fact with Joe Biden as President why go into session at all he seem to spend as he pleases and makes up the rules as he goes along with his executive orders. Well: Maybe not Joe himself, but someone who tells him what to do.