Who Is Funding Pro-Abortion Protests at the Homes of Supreme Court Justices?


PREMO Member
The radical group known as Ruth Sent Us specializes in small media spectacles designed for maximum press coverage with a minimum number of protesters. They dress up in Handmaid’s Tale costumes and pick media-worthy targets like Supreme Court justices’ homes.

Ruth Sent Us — named after deceased Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg — is part of a huge network of radical left groups funded by billionaires including George Soros and goes to great lengths to hide or obscure these connections.

FrontPage’s Daniel Greenfield:

Ruth Sent Us is meant to appear grassroots. In reality, it’s interlinked with a much larger network of leftist organizations. The site was registered by Sam Spiegel, the director of digital media at an anti-Trump PAC known as Unseat whose email contact is listed as Vigil for Democracy.
Unseat and Vigil for Democracy also appear to share a post office box in Palo Alto, California.
Vigil for Democracy, another anti-Trump group, had organized previous Supreme Court rallies.
Ruth Sent Us promotes activism through something called Strike for Choice which its Twitter account describes as “one of the national strikes under the Vigil For Democracy umbrella.”
Strike for Choice solicits donations to pay protesters, asking potential donors “would you commit to donating $58 [$7.25], $80 [$10] or $120 [$15] to support a person giving up paid work?”

The funding network is difficult to unravel. But it’s even harder to determine who the hell is in charge. The website offers no clues about the leadership, but the domain name is registered to “Sam Spiegel.” Mr. Spiegel’s name appears on other websites as well.



Beloved Misanthrope
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SCOTUS Justices Seek Protection From Mobs By Lighting The Rittenhouse Signal
