Who is our Enemy? Delahunt Doesn't Seem to Know




Who is our Enemy? Rep. Delahunt Doesn't Seem to Know

DELAHUNT: Was waterboarding one of them?

ADDINGTON: That's what I'm answering, because I know where you're headed. As I indicated to the chairman at the beginning of this thing, I'm not in a position to talk about particular techniques, whether they are or aren't used or could or couldn't be used or their legal status. And the reasons I would give for that, if you'll look at, I think, Exhibit 9, the president's speech of September 6, 2006, explains why he doesn't talk about what particular techniques...

DELAHUNT: Oh, I can understand why he doesn't talk about it.

ADDINGTON: But you've got to communicate with Al Qaeda. I can't talk to you. Al Qaeda may watch "C-SPAN."

DELAHUNT: Right. Well, I'm sure they are watching and I'm glad they finally have a chance to see you, Mr. Addington.

Watching the hearing, the language and tone used by Cong. Delahunt stopped me in my tracks. It’s totally clear that Delahunt thinks Addington is more of a danger to us and our way of life than Al Queda is. This passes politics: it’s some sort of psychiatric disorder. And it’s typical of liberals.

Our enemies are the Islamofacists who are intent on killing westerners and ending our way of life in order to recreate an Islamic Caliphate to dominate the world. In the past, because of stupid Democrats pressing for information or revealing it themselves on the floor of the House or Senate, Al Qaeda and our enemies have gotten strategic information and tipping them off to the tactics we are using to fight them. With elected officials such as these, how can we win the war? And will we even survive?

What is even worse is people like Bill Delahunt -- Democrats -- believe that the Bush Administration is more of an enemy to this country than Al Qaeda is. In the darkest days of the Clinton Administration and in recent days as it becomes more apparent that they turned a blind eye to the terrorist threats that surrounded us in the nineties, I never believed they were enemies of America -- misguided, poll-driven and unpatriotic -- but never enemies.

Delahunt quickly took to the airwaves and said that under no circumstances was he implying during the hearing that Al Qaeda should target Addington.
This is the same guy that only a week before when questioning Scott McClellan about his betrayal of the Bush Administration said, “These are people who have impeccable, Republican, conservative credentials, and they need to be listened to.” Scott McClellan has impeccable credentials? I guess, if you don’t have “impeccable” credentials, say like you are one of the Vice President’s top aides, you should be targeted by Al Qaeda. What kind of bizarre world does this guy live in -- oh yea, the one where Nancy Pelosi is speaker of the house. The one where you believe our enemies over the President of the United States.

Larry Gude

Strung Out


yeah I love the quick back pedaling later ....

ever since Baldwin went off the deep end and suggested Conservatives should be drug from their homes and hung or otherwise killed (paraphrasing since I cannot remember the exact quote), I like to keep a close eye on these wackos ....

...it's interesting. We live in a world where what you say and how you say it is exponentially more likely to be recorded based on how far up the public food chain you are.

We also want a society that judges people on the content of their character.

Delehunt, and Baldwin for that matter, don't 'mean' what they say as in it is their thought and reasoned opinion that death and mayhem should rule the day. There's a balance to be had between the censoring nature of so much video taping going on and the idea that words do, in fact, mean things.


yeah if I Shout

"Death to Muslims"

only a couple will respond and roll their eyes and call me a hater ....

and it will not make the front page of the Wash. Compost .....:whistle: