Who Is Really Running the Country?


PREMO Member
Joe doesn't know what he's saying. He doesn't know what he's signing. He's a puppet. He's a wooden dummy.

But the real question is: Who is the ventriloquist?

This is clearly a communist takeover of the United States. Who is carrying it out? Who is the real power behind the throne? Who is speaking and moving the lips when Biden's mouth opens?


Then we come to the real power behind the throne. The boss of bosses. The capo di tutti. China and the Chinese Communist Party. Everyone is taking orders from China and the CCP. China bribes all the politicians in America and around the world with billions in offshore bank accounts. China owns Biden and his family. China owns virtually the entire leadership of the Democratic Party -- and quite a few establishment RINO Republicans, too.

It's easy to see China is the top dog. You'd have to be blind, deaf or really dumb to not see that. Everything happening in Biden's first 10 months in office just happens to weaken and divide America while benefiting China:

Open borders -- Biden is inviting millions of poverty-stricken, diseased refugees into our country; COVID-19 lockdowns; mask mandates; vaccine mandates; massive inflation; the highest energy prices in years; massive job losses (see Friday's jobs report disaster); the idiotic, disgraceful withdrawal from Afghanistan; massive welfare payments to Americans for not working; bankrupting America with obscene spending plans; raising the debt ceiling; proposed tax rates higher than communist China; using the FBI, Justice Department, mainstream media and social media to dispense propaganda and oppress, ban and censor opposing viewpoints; rooting patriots and warriors out of the military and replacing them with brainwashed communists and transgender people; defunding the police; brainwashing our children with critical race theory; and using the FBI to arrest and intimidate parents speaking out at local school board meetings.



If I may ...
If I may ...

Who Is Really Running the Country?
The article is BS and is nothing but misdirection and misinformation propaganda. Biden isn't doing anything, his puppeteers are running the show. Those that are really running this Country is public knowledge .... it's just not talked about.

Israel Zionist/Bolsheviks are running the Country. Oh look, they are all white too.




If I may ...
If I may ...

I am amazed at the sound of crickets when the truth is presented. Have all been so programmed to see it as verboten to speak of "the chosen" on any subject? Are all too afraid of scorn or being called certain names to comment on what is prima facia evidence of those who are positioned in the highest levels of power in our government, and head and control most all of US Government agencies, as well as at the State level? Why do you transform into the ostrich hiding your heads in the sand and ignore the obvious?

They also control the media. Six Jewish, (zionist), Companies Own 96% of the World’s Media. Now you know why they are working with, and are, the government's mouthpiece.

This is not about anti-jew. This is about being anti-zionist, anti-bolshevik, anti-communist take over and control of our Nation.

But it's probably all just a big coincidence anyway.



Well-Known Member
Dr. Sabrosky sounds like an Israel hating nutbag to me.

If the Israelis did it they sure timed it well and just as the planes flown by Muslims crashed into the building.
How did this guy get to teach at our Army War College, he should be teaching at St. Elizabeth's as a patient.