Who Knew I Was Not the Father?

so what do you do ....

  • Kill the Biatch for lying .... and making you pay all those yrs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Put 2 in the dude for not maning up and accepting responsibility for his actions

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so you find out your ex is marrying the guy she was cheating on you with, and he is the father of the child .... not you

and you have been paying Thousands of bucks a yr eating beans and living under a bridge


When Mike learned that Rob — the man who had impregnated Mike’s wife — would now be the one to make his little girl breakfast and tuck her in at night, Mike wondered just what the word “father” really meant. Was he the father and Rob the stepfather or the other way around? Most galling to Mike was that he was expected to subsidize this man’s cozy domestic arrangement. Mike’s wages would be garnished because he was the legal father — even though, in this case, the biological father had more of the benefits of fatherhood and none of its obligations. (Neither L.’s mother, Stephanie, nor Rob agreed to be interviewed for this article. To protect the girl’s privacy, the magazine is withholding the families’ surnames and L.’s full first name.)

Even in paternity cases simpler than that of Mike and L., nonbiological fathers often feel like serial dupes: their wives or girlfriends cheated on them, the children they thought were theirs aren’t and yet they are required to support children they did not create. Because nothing can be done about the cheating or the biological revelation, the men focus their indignation on the money. The urge to withhold every dime, lest it end up easing the mother’s life, is hard to resist. Often the fight isn’t really about child support; it’s simply a way to channel rage about the woman’s duplicity. Some observers suggest that insisting these men pay child support will damage rather than fortify the relationship between father and child that society seeks to preserve. As Alaska’s Supreme Court concluded in a decade-old paternity case, making a nonbiological father pay “might itself destroy an otherwise healthy paternal bond by driving a destructive wedge of bitterness and resentment between the father and his child.”

The law’s exasperating consequence, he wrote, is that the man who “may very well be the biological father is able to avoid any direct support obligation” and the nonbiological father is left with “unjust results.”
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Well-Known Member


so you find out your ex is marrying the guy she was cheating on you with, and he is the father of the child .... not you

and you have been paying Thousands of bucks a yr eating beans and living under a bridge

I am thankful that I've never had to doubt who is the father of my children. I don't think I could live with the lie of not knowing. There have been times that I've said I wished XX wasn't the father, but there was no denying who that father was.

I do feel sorry for this father. I believe if I was in his situation, I would sue for sole custody and F the "bio" parents. It sounds like Rob was a better father to this little girl for 11 years, and if I was the judge, I'd give him custody.
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I do feel sorry for this father. I believe if I was in his situation, I would sue for sole custody and F the "bio" parents. It sounds like Rob was a better father to this little girl for 11 years, and if I was the judge, I'd give him custody.

yeah thats the problem ain't it .... Rob got stuck paying for yrs for an obligation that was not his .... while being a wonder dad to his "Daughter"

IMHO ( and I am a male ) there should be financial relief, making the Biological father meet his obligations, and the "Father" should be allowed continued visitation for the well being of the child .....

which seemed to be the basis of Judges denying a revocation of paying Child support ....

right now it ends up being either or ....

why isn't the prick that fathered the child being made to pay ....

why would I only be considered a father because my wallet was open to this slut each month



In the meantime, maybe the solution is to accept that lives can be messy and relationships much more complicated than the law would like. Several judges in Pennsylvania, including David Wecht, who heard Mike’s case, have used their paternity rulings as a platform to urge the Legislature or top state court to grant them the discretion to consider DNA. It is evidence, they say, that should be neither exalted nor ignored, but rather weighed as one of many factors, along with the history of the relationship and the child’s age, in determining who should raise a child and who should pay for his or her upkeep. In other words, maybe a nonbiological father could be granted custody rights even if the biological father is charged with paying support. A small but growing number of courts in other states have gone this route, but such arrangements are still rare. “There shouldn’t be any reason why custody couldn’t be treated differently than paternity and support, each looked at on its own merits,” Wecht says. “But many states, including Pennsylvania, haven’t begun to grapple with these issues yet. They are exceedingly complex, intellectually and legally, and perhaps most significantly, the issues are hotly disputed politically.”


They're out to get us
Child support should always be confirmed by a paternity test, plain and simple. Doesn't matter if the kid is 16 and they've been married the whole time and getting divorced...the test should be done so this kind of crap can't happen. For those against that, I have a second alternative -- if/when it is ever determined that the father isn't the biological parent, then the mother owes the 'father' every dime he payed her in child support, since no paternity test was ever conducted. :yay:


Child support should always be confirmed by a paternity test, plain and simple. Doesn't matter if the kid is 16 and they've been married the whole time and getting divorced...the test should be done so this kind of crap can't happen. For those against that, I have a second alternative -- if/when it is ever determined that the father isn't the biological parent, then the mother owes the 'father' every dime he payed her in child support, since no paternity test was ever conducted. :yay:

Spoken like a single guy with no kids. :yay:


I bowl overhand
MAYBE this was the issue with JPC.. I mean giving him the benefit of hte doubt, that he really isn't a small man that won't pay for his own kids..

Maybe his wife stepped out on him in search of a man that wasn't hung like a gerbil and had more than 10 braincells..

Maybe she took on the entire Volunteer Fire Dept, and they had NO idea who the father was..

I mean in THIS instance I could undersand him not paying his child support.. is this what happened??


Maybe she took on the entire Volunteer Fire Dept, and they had NO idea who the father was..

I mean in THIS instance I could undersand him not paying his child support.. is this what happened??


dockside in Norfolk when a carrier comes in ..... :whistle:


They're out to get us
Spoken like a single guy with no kids. :yay:

So you're saying that if the father was duped and he's not the biological father, he should still be the one forced to pay the child support and not the biological father? That's stupid. He's just like a step father. The love is there but if you marry a woman with children and divorce her, you don't owe child support even if you feel like they're your own.

Most people would probably agree. My thoughts and ideas had nothing to do with not loving the child, wanting to support the child, or any of that. :dork: