Who Provides More Laughs, Democrats or Republicans?

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
I have to say currently the Repubs. The way Bush can mangle the English language always cracks me up. The irony of it is that our closest ally is...the English.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Frankly, I didn't think any of those were funny. Not the Democrat ones or the Republican ones. Nice try, though.


Football season!
vraiblonde said:
Frankly, I didn't think any of those were funny. Not the Democrat ones or the Republican ones. Nice try, though.
Don't worry, we didn't expect you to enjoy them. We all know you will crack if you smile :ohwell:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
The Democrats only make me laugh because they say some of the most outrageous stuff. Barbra Boxer, the other day grilling Bolton - pretty much telling him what he thinks, rather than asking him. The Social Security commercial, where technicians claim they must destroy the whole house to fix a plumbing leak (the voice over claiming that privatization amounts to complete destruction of the system, while only minor 'adjustments' need to be made - this in lieu of the "sky is falling" rhetoric just a few short years ago, alongside Al Gore's "lockbox"). Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry, in all their bluster about the election.

How I long for Daschle again. He was just boring.


Well-Known Member
If actual progress were being made, an occasional slip of the tongue would be a comic relief. The extremists are dominating both party's and I can see no humor in Delay, Boxer or any of the actors in this freak show. Now Ross Perot was funny.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
Don't worry, we didn't expect you to enjoy them. We all know you will crack if you smile :ohwell:
Absolutely not true. I can attest to the fact that vrai is a fun person.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
willie said:
Now Ross Perot was funny.
He was funny looking, but his explanation of the economy was dead on. The problem is the average American is too uneducated to have understood him and his charts.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
He was funny looking, but his explanation of the economy was dead on. The problem is the average American is too uneducated to have understood him and his charts.
I think he was funny, and I actually voted for him!

I keep remembering David Barry's send-up of him in his weekly column. He mentioned stuff like how lucid and forthright he was about the debt, the deficit, and so on - and then he'd go off and do something *weird*, like claim the Republicans sabotaged his daughter's wedding.

"We've gotta do something about the deficit!".
"We have to be fiscally responsible and pay off the debt!"
"The Republicans put huge radioactive lobsters in my basement!".


Sadly, the thing that REALLY hurt him was his VP choice.


New Member
I thought this was kinda funny.

Where did Kerry come up with that idea about leaflets saying "Democrats on Wednesday"? Probably from this story, which appeared a week before the election:

With the knowledge that the minority vote will be crucial in the upcoming presidential election, Republican Party officials are urging blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities to make their presence felt at the polls on Wednesday, Nov. 3. . . .

"You can't walk through a black neighborhood here in Miami without seeing our 'Don't Forget Big Wednesday!' message up on a billboard, tacked to a phone booth, or taped to a bus shelter," Monreal added. "The Republican Party has spared no expense in this endeavor."

Before Kerry embarrasses himself further, someone ought to take him aside and explain to him that the Onion is a satirical publication--as is ScrappleFace.com, which came up with the idea first.


Super Genius
willie said:
Now Ross Perot was funny.
I always remember a SNL skit about Perot where he says something like:
"I was attacked by three men and a small dog. I had subdued the men and was about to deal with the dog when it looked up at me and said 'aren't you Ross Perot?' Well, I nearly peed my pants!" With Dana Carvey doing Ross Perot, it was hilarious! :killingme


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
I think he was funny, and I actually voted for him!

I keep remembering David Barry's send-up of him in his weekly column. He mentioned stuff like how lucid and forthright he was about the debt, the deficit, and so on - and then he'd go off and do something *weird*, like claim the Republicans sabotaged his daughter's wedding.

"We've gotta do something about the deficit!".
"We have to be fiscally responsible and pay off the debt!"
"The Republicans put huge radioactive lobsters in my basement!".


Sadly, the thing that REALLY hurt him was his VP choice.
I don't think he said anything about "huge radioactive lobsters". :lol:

I can believe that the Republicans threatened to sabotage his daughter's wedding. Politics at that level is extreme. I have thought several times about running for Congress or the Senate and decided it was not worth the wear and tear on my family. Besides, for the most part, they don't do anything productive. I wouldn't like that.

His VP candidate was a nice guy and lame politician and worse public speaker. The admiral was intimidated by the TV cameras.


What I think is funny is how the conventional wisdom folks spend all their time yucking about Bushisms, while the real hillarity is listening to Ted Kennedy trying to get a coherent statement out these days.


Well-Known Member
Bruzilla said:
What I think is funny is how the conventional wisdom folks spend all their time yucking about Bushisms, while the real hillarity is listening to Ted Kennedy trying to get a coherent statement out these days.
His liver is swollen.


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Football season!
Bruzilla said:
What I think is funny is how the conventional wisdom folks spend all their time yucking about Bushisms, while the real hillarity is listening to Ted Kennedy trying to get a coherent statement out these days.
wrong. Because everyone outside of his home state realizes he is a nut. Bush on the other hand, was voted for by half of the american people, thus the expecatation are much higher making his flubs that much more comical.
Kennedy is just too sad to be funny anymore :ohwell: