Who should be the mascot of the Democratic Party?

Republicans only - Who should be/is the public fac

  • Total voters
I think the GOP needs to decide whom is going to be the Democrat's mascot - their public face so to speak. To this end, and with a sincere desire to help stem the tide of partisanship, I have created this poll to begin that process. Mind you, this poll is only for people who consider themselves Republicans, and it will be a public poll so that voting in it will publicly out you as such. EDIT: It occurs to me that this poll should be open to all none Democrats, not just Republicans - it is only Democrats who shouldn't get to decide who their public face is.

The GOP has failed for long enough to designate the oppositions ideological figurehead, and it should no longer shrink from this obvious duty. If none of the poll options seem like the most appropriate choice, then feel free to choose 'Other', and let us know what your suggestion would be. Thank you for your participation in this process. Hopefully, at its conclusion, Republicans will know who to listen to when they want to know exactly what all Democrats are thinking.

For those of you who don't understand what I'm talking about, there are satirical motivations for this poll.

It cut the question short: Republicans only - Who should be/is the public face of the Democratic Party?
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I vote for Kim Jong Il. Did you know he went and played golf and got a hole in one on EVERY HOLE! Obama could never do that. Nor could he bowl a 300 like Kim Jong could.


I did not vote because the poll specified "Republicans only." However, if I would have voted, I would have written in Chris Matthews. Anyone that gets a "chill up his leg" or what-have-you from seeing then-presidential candidate Obama clearly would represent the all-emotions and no-brains policies of the Democratic Party.


Well-Known Member

I chose other....
Barney Fwanker --I think his sordid lifestyle, his complete loss of common sense, his foaming tirades,...and utterly wimpy character---He truly represents the Dem party-in every way.
I did not vote because the poll specified "Republicans only." However, if I would have voted, I would have written in Chris Matthews. Anyone that gets a "chill up his leg" or what-have-you from seeing then-presidential candidate Obama clearly would represent the all-emotions and no-brains policies of the Democratic Party.

Yeah, I realized after I made the poll that it should have been 'Non-Democrats', and not just Republicans. The point being that other people should get to define who their public face is. It's a satirical response to the blog which referenced Democratic efforts to define Rush as the public face of the GOP.