Who times these lights???


New Member
:wench: I travel home down 235 everyday. Ive noticed that out of the 17 lights that I drive through on average i get stopped at 12 of them. Whats up with that? Some of the lights are only for shopping centers. Seems that if these lights are timed the way the gubbament says they are...I would think that maybe I could make it through 1/2 of them without getting stopped.


Nothing to see here
jeep_ma said:
:wench: I travel home down 235 everyday. Ive noticed that out of the 17 lights that I drive through on average i get stopped at 12 of them. Whats up with that? Some of the lights are only for shopping centers. Seems that if these lights are timed the way the gubbament says they are...I would think that maybe I could make it through 1/2 of them without getting stopped.

Wanna buy a blue light for your dash board??

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
RoseRed said:
Yes, but the hole in the floor is still there. It's gonna cost ya.

Sorry. I was trying to do the Fred Flintstone braking thing but it didn't quite work. :lmao: