It is ironic, among other things, that
all the major powers in the world stepped up to the plate and told us that Saddam Hussein possessed WMDs.
Yet, now our lying, scumbag liberal left weinies are jumping all over themselves accusing the president of purposefully misleading the country(and the world); the great and honorable Sen. Ted Kennedy for one - he of Chappaquiddick fame - purports that the president did it for political gain.
Yeah, I can really fathom G. W. Bush hatching the plan down in Crawford, Tex, sending off thousands of soldiers to Iraq, some never to come home again, solely to further his political future.
Maybe it's just me, but accusations like that border on treason, coming from people like him.
But to go one more thought ahead, in the article many people have stated their belief Saddam and Iraq
did have WMDs.
So, are they ALL misleading us?
Or are the lying, scumbag Democrats misleading us?
Which is it? You decide.