whos doing the jumper show at AMIT


New Member
Date is

Sunday October 7 2007 10:30 am I can not email no scanner I can fax it Or make a copy for you to pick up at the store.


Chevy Is Da BOMB!!!!
:howdy:TC said maybe i can go. I would be riding my wonderful jumper Amira. I am not saying I'm the best rider in the world i just want to try new things...PLZ no competition just fun i place i place no big deal. i need jubie 976 to give me the a copy of the flayer and directions to AMIT.


Can anyone e-mail me a class list/ info on the show? How high do they go?


New Member
i think for horse they go 3'3 and for pony 2'6 im not that sure tho casue my mom ripped the other half of the class list and stuff so idk