Who's to blame???

:yay: Thanks gumby for posting this. Ironically I just had a discussion for the exact same thing:

"There's no question the federal government plays a major role in disaster relief. But federal officials say in order to get involved, they must first be asked to do so by state officials.
As one FEMA official told ABC News, Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco failed to submit a request for help in a timely manner.

Shortly before Katrina hit, she sent President Bush a request asking for shelter and provisions, but didn't specifically ask for help with evacuations. One aide to the governor told ABC News today Blanco thought city officials were taking care of the evacuation."


The Smart Hooker
According to the National Guard (the news had an interview with someone in charge) FEMA was ready to roll in last Saturday along with the Red Cross. BUT...Gov. Blanco told them to come back. So....that leads me to think Gov. Blanco dropped the ball BIG TIME on this one. I also blame the ones that could get out but chose to ride the storm out. If people would have just left when they could (that could) there probably wouldn't have been "as many" people to rescue, so many looters, and crime going on.


Dancing Up A Storm

Major Garrett Exposes Faults Of Louisiana and Governor Kathleen Blanco.

"Major Garrett explained that FEMA/Red Cross had a truckload of water and other necessities , however the Louisiana Department of Homeland Security DENIED it. Why? Because they didn’t want to attract more people to the Superdome or the convention center, they want to get them out."

How can these lefties deny their people the help and necessities they required, and then cry foul at the administration?

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
But experts say when natural disasters strike, it is the primary responsibility of state and local governments — not the federal government — to respond.

Case closed.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Penn said:
How can these lefties deny their people the help and necessities they required, and then cry foul at the administration?
Because it's what they do - sit on their asses, then blame the Republicans for their own incompetence.


The Smart Hooker
I think in time more and more people will realize it was Gov. Blanco's fault. But there will always be people that hate Bush and no matter how much proof is shown that it was not him that dropped the ball, they'll still blame him. After all, liberals still think he caused the hurricane. :lol: