why cookies ???


New Member
Thanks for all the water info. I'll be on the phone tomorrow to inquire about having a water softener installed.

Since I'm still in 'why-what-how' mode: why must I have cookies enabled in order to post/reply to the forums? Thought cookies are bad-nasties that allow evil things to sneak into your computer and do dirt.

Yep, a well-water newbie AND a forum newbie!

tha boom


Active Member
cookies allow information to be stored on your machine/be sent out... So if you login and a cookie is made every time ytou goto post that ocokie maybe sent to the serrver or what not saying "its really me so let me post" where if you dont have a cookie the server doesnt know who you are.... Cookies can be bad or good, just like software, some software is bad (virus, spyware) some is good, webbrowser, game, word processing....