why do i even try???? READ


New Member
this really makes me mad why do i even ride i mean my stupid heels never go down so i can do anything i would love to jump higher but no my stupid heels wont go down it makes me so mad iv tryed everything ive been trying to get them down for 4 or 5 years now and there not whats the point anyway i have good balance i dont need my stupid heels down. i cant even do the stupid fair because the jumps are 2'6 wow big deal but no just becasue my heels arent down i cant do it thats the main problem. it sucks so why do i even bother trying.


Ahhhh Florida!
Riding is a dangerous sport and keeping your heels down is a safety precaution. Chances are if you have problems keeping your heels down you probably ride off of your toes and jump ahead of your horse, which can be hazardous to both you and the horse. If you can safely jump without stirrups then I wouldn't be too alarmed. Can you? Keeping your heels down also makes it much less likely that your foot will slide forward through the stirrup iron. When you do fall of you won't get dragged if you heel is down. Is your instructor keeping you from jumping higher because of your heels?


New Member
i think so and when i jump im right with her i dont get ahead anymore i used to but i dont

I know what helps me is riding bareback and doing everything that I would with a saddle on. It really helps your legs build muscle and you find your balance. Plus, jumping bareback, you don't have much room for mistakes. For the longest time I had a problem with my heels; I started riding problem horses and got bucked off, that was the end of my heel problem. I think it takes different things for everyone. GOOD LUCK!


Active Member
I haven't seen you ride or any photos so I'm just offering a few suggestions which of course you may have already tried.

You are using a jumping saddle I assume but have you checked to make absolutely sure your stirrups are the correct length? Generally, jumping requires a more closed angle to the knee so you might need to shorten your leathers a hole.

Also, are you making sure that on take-off, you let the horse simply lift you over the jump and not moving your crotch forward of the pommel or "standing" in the stirrups or getting left behind? It may help to think more of pushing your tush backwards over the jump if any of the above is an issue.

Your release may possibly be effecting your heels as well. If you are reaching too far forward and down on the release it can cause your upper body to come too far forward and thereby your lower leg and heels slide back and up.

I don't suppose you wear high heels often? Most
horsewomen don't but if you do that can shorten the achiles (sp?) tendon.
Even if you don't some calve stretches (hang your heels over the edge of a stair) can help stretch the tendon.

Some canter over caveletti with no strides between poles might help.

Good luck. If jumping is what you love don't give up.


New Member
yah, i agree with everyone here.

also, make sure that you are not gripping too much with your knees, because that will also inhibit you from dropping into your heels. pretend like the stirrups are a balance beam you are standing on sideways with your heels hanging off. gripping now and again to maintain balance is useful, but gripping all the time keeps you from sinking into your heels as your base of support.


K Betit
Something else that really helps is riding with something, like a belt, on your toes. Loop it around and just set it there so that you have to balance it. This requires you to keep your toes up and heels down, as well as keeping your legs quiet. For the first few times you may need someone on the ground to pick it up and put it back on your toes when it falls off until you get the hang of it.


New Member
If i was you, id find an eq trainer to take one on one lessons with for a little while to help find out what the real problem is as to why you are having so much problems with your heals. Im not saying sstop lessons at AMIT, but just get a 2nd opinion one on one with a different person just to see if theres any results.


Rocky Mountain High!!
My trainer had me remove the stirrups and hold them on my feet upside down. This forced me to keep my heels down and toes up to keep them on, and developed my balance too. You don't have to jump to do it, just do walk trot canter, ALOT.


New Member
There's always 2-pt at all gaits; w/t/c, even at the halt.


It's a strength and experience thing. I spent a long time riding once a week in lessons. I never got much better because the strength wasn't there. My heels were up, shoulders hunched, bad seat, did crappy at shows. Even the best teacher could only do so much with a weak rider.

Once we bought a horse and I started riding 5 days a week my riding finally started to improve. That poor OTTB had to put up with a lot from me in his younger days. It also helped when I joined our show team and the coach made us drop our stirrups a LOT.

The point is, if you're only riding 1-2 times a week, don't be too hard on yourself. You'll get better, it will just take longer. If you can, see if you can ride more often.

Good luck!


New Member

It's a strength and experience thing. I spent a long time riding once a week in lessons. I never got much better because the strength wasn't there. My heels were up, shoulders hunched, bad seat, did crappy at shows. Even the best teacher could only do so much with a weak rider.

Once we bought a horse and I started riding 5 days a week my riding finally started to improve. That poor OTTB had to put up with a lot from me in his younger days. It also helped when I joined our show team and the coach made us drop our stirrups a LOT.

The point is, if you're only riding 1-2 times a week, don't be too hard on yourself. You'll get better, it will just take longer. If you can, see if you can ride more often.

Good luck!

thanks i would love to ride more but we cant afford it :( but i have friends that have horses and let me ride so that helps