Why Don"t Women Go For Nice Guys??



I keep getting told I am to nice. Is that a secret code for somthing? I just don't get it!!!!:mad:


New Member
Originally posted by somdff
I keep getting told I am to nice. Is that a secret code for somthing? I just don't get it!!!!:mad:
It's something to do with genetics. women have never like nice guys, maybe bad boys are more fun? I don't know? I don't think we'll get a straight or honest answer from a woman though.:cheers:


New Member
A short course in woman-speak:

"You're too nice" can either mean one of two things:

"I think you're ghey."


"You're coming on too strong. Get away from me, you freak."

I hope this helps! :biggrin:


Be about it
Most women don't prefer nice guys, that's for sure. My husband is a super nice guy, but had trouble finding a decent girlfriend b/c they all said he was too nice or 'wussy-fied.' I, for one, had enough crappy experiences with b@stard men that I was ready for a nice one! :bubble:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by PFgal
Most women don't prefer nice guys, that's for sure. My husband is a super nice guy, but had trouble finding a decent girlfriend b/c they all said he was too nice or 'wussy-fied.' I, for one, had enough crappy experiences with b@stard men that I was ready for a nice one! :bubble:
You're one in a million PF.

Most of them seem to prefer the abuse. Go figure. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Women, being the weaker sex, want a guy they feel can protect them. If you're "too nice", you don't give out that protective vibe - you give out the vibe that you let people walk all over you. Therefore women don't feel you will fight predators off of them and their cubs. It has nothing to do with abuse.

Just my two centavos.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by somdff
I keep getting told I am to nice.
It's an excuse to dump you, just like "I need to take a break".

Don't take it personal, be glad you're not wasting any more time on that person.



Thanks for all the input hopfully I can use this to improve myself I don't think I am 'wussy-fied" . I was just raised to be respectful and I starting to think that scares women. I pull a chair out for a lady and she freaked out , well go figure . thanks for all the input.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Women, being the weaker sex, want a guy they feel can protect them. If you're "too nice", you don't give out that protective vibe - you give out the vibe that you let people walk all over you. Therefore women don't feel you will fight predators off of them and their cubs. It has nothing to do with abuse.

Just my two centavos.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by somdff
I pull a chair out for a lady and she freaked out
Have you been dating MigTig? :lol: Sorry, Mig, I couldn't resist.

You shouldn't date women who freak out over common courtesy. That could be a great litmus test. Open the door for her and if she says anything other than 'thank you', develop a raging headache so bad you MUST go home right away. Then lose her phone number.


Sleuth, is that you?

I was at his house and know for a fact he was scrubbing a toilet about this time, so it is just another nice guy.

I’ve never been into dating men who treat me like crap, but I have dated men that were too nice. I thought the over niceness was a sign of disparity. My hubby was a real nice guy when I married him, and to a point, he still is. But now, instead of bobbing his head up and down, he will tell me I'm wrong in a New York minute. :lol:


My friend who is dating my ex, keeps telling me she is gonna leave him. Because he treats her badly. She has been saying this for two years now.

I prefer nice guys, most of the time the guys ive dated claim to be nice. And are really jerks after I get to know them.

The guy Im seeing now, is really nice. His mom tells me He thinks Im the world to him, he never shuts up when he talks about me. And surprising respects me a great deal. Loves spending time with me.

I guess it just takes time, took me awhile to find someone nice, and that respects me.

Ive only had two relationships where the guy respected me a great deal. My ex, who is my best friend and my present boyfriend.


Set Trippin
Originally posted by Bahamie
My friend who is dating my ex, keeps telling me she is gonna leave him. Because he treats her badly. She has been saying this for two years now.

I prefer nice guys, most of the time the guys ive dated claim to be nice. And are really jerks after I get to know them.

The guy Im seeing now, is really nice. His mom tells me He thinks Im the world to him, he never shuts up when he talks about me. And surprising respects me a great deal. Loves spending time with me.

I guess it just takes time, took me awhile to find someone nice, and that respects me.

Ive only had two relationships where the guy respected me a great deal. My ex, who is my best friend and my present boyfriend.
This sounds like a FOX network show....:popcorn:


Happy Camper!
I don't know why it is but that saying "Nice guys always finish last" seems to be very true. But don't worry one day you'll find the perfect woman and you'll be happy for the rest of your life.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Having run through my share of "nice guys", I feel I can speak with some authority on the subject.

Nice guys don't want nice women. They want wild girls, like I used to be before I settled down. They're attracted to the dark side like a moth to a flame. All you have to say to them to get them hooked is, "I'm not ready for a relationship."

So my advice to the nice guys is stick with your own kind. It's not as exciting but you'll be happier in the long run.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And PS, that works the other way around, too. So you nice women who think there are no nice men, why don't you go after guys like Sleuth and Somdff? I mean, I already know why - because you want a wild man. But don't complain that there are no nice men because there are gobs of them.


No offense to my friend, but she tells me everyday
"Oh Im gonna leave him"

Sure enough she never does. And it gets tiring after the first two times, after awhile you start to nod your head and say "Yea sure whatever"


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bahamie, is he a dork and she should leave him or is he just a nice guy and she's bored? A little trick - the quickest way to make your friend fall madly in love with this guy is, next time she's complaining about him, say, "Good - can I have him when you're done?" She'll marry him a week later.