Why I'm not a Democrat...or a Republican


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
I think for myself.
I am *registered* as a Democrat - but vote how I please. Registering with a party allows you to vote in primaries.

If they ever allow across the board votes in primaries without regard to party affiliation, then I'll pass on registering. I'm also neither party, but I am a conservative.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
SamSpade said:
I am *registered* as a Democrat - but vote how I please. Registering with a party allows you to vote in primaries.

If they ever allow across the board votes in primaries without regard to party affiliation, then I'll pass on registering. I'm also neither party, but I am a conservative.
That's my biggest complaint, I want to vote in the primaries, but I do not want to be registered with either group. Sometimes I like a candidate from a party but he doesn't get the vote.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
I am *registered* as a Democrat - but vote how I please. Registering with a party allows you to vote in primaries.

If they ever allow across the board votes in primaries without regard to party affiliation, then I'll pass on registering. I'm also neither party, but I am a conservative.
Ding, Ding, Ding!!! You're probably a little, well a lot more, conservative than me.... But, I would hardly, well never, call myself extreme in any manner, especially not liberal.


New Member
virgovictoria said:
Ding, Ding, Ding!!! You're probably a little, well a lot more, conservative than me.... But, I would hardly, well never, call myself extreme in any manner, especially not liberal.
You don't usually say much. I knew you were leaning left but never knew how far. :flowers: :love:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
I don't let a party line dictate my vote. I know way to many people that vote the straight republican or democrat ticket just because. They don't look at issues they just take in what they are told is "right".


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PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
Will you tell me?


The supposition - and there's merit to it - is that once you align yourself with a party, you're going to find yourself being an apologist for a lot of shiat that under normal circumstances, you wouldn't. It's kind of like declaring yourself a member of a religion, only to find it espouses something you think is outrageously stupid. You either leave the religion, continue as a member but say "oh I don't believe/support that" or you find some idiotic way to convince yourself that it's right.

Politics is JUST like that - you find yourself saying "it's just about sex and everyone lies about that". If you always always ALWAYS vote for the same party, then there's a good chance you're letting the party line think for you instead of yourself.

MOST people who aren't thinking for themselves don't realize it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
If you always always ALWAYS vote for the same party, then there's a good chance you're letting the party line think for you instead of yourself.
I pretty much always vote Republican, not because I agree with them 100% but because they come a lot closer than the Democratic candidate. If I don't know anything about the candidates on either side, I just don't vote for that particular office.

George Bush is a great example. I wasn't overly impressed with him in 2000, but I voted for him in the general election because he WASN'T Al Gore, who I think is a moron and a lunatic.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
vraiblonde said:
I voted for him in the general election because he WASN'T (insert name), who I think is a moron and a lunatic.
This probably dictates the majority of the voting public.

I'm a republican but I do agree with some of the views that the democrats put forth.