Why I'm not a Democrat: Reason 348


Doesn't Limbaugh have a drug addiction problem?

-Another reason why I'm not a Republican, they abuse prescription drugs. You would think he would be for cheaper prescription drugs.....:)


UrbanPancake said:
Doesn't Limbaugh have a drug addiction problem?

-Another reason why I'm not a Republican, they abuse prescription drugs. You would think he would be for cheaper prescription drugs.....:)

Thank you for completely ignoring the point.

I expected nothing less from you.

Why don't you make your own thread if you want to talk about Limbaugh's drug problem. I was talking about the other radio pig who called Rice an Aunt Jemima. Would you care to address that topic, or do you like the double-standard that's employed here?


Toxick said:
Thank you for completely ignoring the point.

I expected nothing less from you.

Why don't you make your own thread if you want to talk about Limbaugh's drug problem. I was talking about the other radio pig who called Rice an Aunt Jemima. Would you care to address that topic, or do you like the double-standard that's employed here?

Considering I didn't hear the program I really can't make a statement. You may have used the statement out of context.

But still-


-Another reason I'm not republican
- Bill O'Rielly enjoys phone sex....

Wait a minute Rush likes drugs, and Bill likes phone sex... maybe I should switch parties!!!


Super Genius
UrbanPancake said:
Considering I didn't hear the program I really can't make a statement. You may have used the statement out of context.
:killingme Can anyone even think of a context where this would be acceptable?


In an Aunt Jemima commercial??? Maybe???:)

-I mean they are trying to sell the product...... :killingme
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Cleopatra Jones
UrbanPancake said:
Doesn't Limbaugh have a drug addiction problem?

-Another reason why I'm not a Republican, they abuse prescription drugs. You would think he would be for cheaper prescription drugs.....:)

Why I'm not a Democrat: Reason 349.


valentino said:
I agree that it was in poor taste, but hypocrisy??? Where?

If you have the ask where, you won't see it, no matter what I say.

valentino said:
Rush, O-Reily and Hannity all use similar bashing tactics...

Please cite for me an example of where they've done so.

I won't say they don't slam people - I'm sure they do (although I don't listen to any of them) - but I'll guarantee you one thing: If they would have called ..

hm... did Clinton have any black women in his cabinet?

Well if he did, and any of those guys you mentioned used the term "Aunt Jemima" in referece to her, it would STILL be headline news.

valentino said:
so why are you complaining about hypocrisy anyway???

Again: if you have to ask, you won't see it. I've had this argument too many times to bother wasting my time any more.


UrbanPancake said:
Considering I didn't hear the program I really can't make a statement. You may have used the statement out of context.

I provided a URL in the original post where you could read the context.

If you come up with a context where such a comparison is acceptable, I would be delighted to hear it.

Question: Were you at the front or the back of the torch weilding mob when Limbaugh said that McNabb was overrated, and hyped because the media wants to see a black quaterback succeed in the NFL?

Just curious.


Toxick said:
If you have the ask where, you won't see it, no matter what I say.

Please cite for me an example of where they've done so.

I won't say they don't slam people - I'm sure they do (although I don't listen to any of them) - but I'll guarantee you one thing: If they would have called ..

hm... did Clinton have any black women in his cabinet?

Well if he did, and any of those guys you mentioned used the term "Aunt Jemima" in referece to her, it would STILL be headline news.

Again: if you have to ask, you won't see it. I've had this argument too many times to bother wasting my time any more.

Sorry to have inconvenienced you, I was just curious...

Here is one source, you may not like it, but just someone's opinion. I did not see many facts...so it may not pertain here...???

Old Article about Rush...
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valentino said:
Sorry to have inconvenienced you, I was just curious...

Well, you're asking the question like your mind is already made up. And like I've said, I'm familiar with that tone, and I've had this argument one too many times.

valentino said:
Here is one source, you may not like it, but just someone's opinion. I did not see many facts...so it may not pertain here...???

Page cannot be loaded.

And if it's an opinion piece, I'm sure that there is PLENTY of "examples" of right-wing hypocrisy.

Now, don't get me wrong: I'm not a right-winger either, and there's plenty of hypocrisy on that side of the aisle as well. I never said there wasn't. Don't get me started on how the party of "Smaller Government" wants to tell me who I can marry, and what I can hear on the radio.

But pound for pound, the sheer mangitude of hypocrisy, and the daily audacity I see from the left, keeps me from joining their ranks at every single turn.


Dancing Up A Storm
UrbanPancake said:
Considering I didn't hear the program I really can't make a statement.

You may have used the statement out of context.

But still- most of all -

You have provided vivid proof again in your first statement, of how much you let your rear orifice speak for you. Oh wait - that's where your brains are located; Shoot you're going to have to forgive me on that one.

I forgot for a moment.:killingme


Why I'm not a Republican -reason 1438.8975001

In the pregame highlights for the next two years of Republican one-party rule, rightwing radicals dropped their towels and exposed themselves in all their naked ambition last week. It wasn't a pretty sight.

Tom DeLay's buddies voted to lower their Party's ethical standards to protect their conflict-ridden leader over the objection of moderate stalwarts like Christopher Shay.

Arm-twisted behind his back, Arlen Specter cried "Uncle" and signed a White House loyalty oath before he was allowed to replace Orrin Hatch as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, a humiliation unprecedented in the history of our constitutional system of checks and balances.

Two Congressional staffers slipped a provision into the Omnibus spending bill giving two committee chairmen and their assistants access to every American citizen's tax returns.

And in a Pacers vs. Piston-like brawl in the House Republican caucus, Defense Department patsies shot down the unarmed Intelligence Reform Bill, much to the shock and awe of Senate Republicans like Pat Roberts, Chuck Hagel and Susan Collins.

It would seem the only thing worse than being a Democrat these days is being a moderate Republican. One has to wonder: how long will they stand the humiliations, the slights, the powerlessness before they defect like Jim Jeffords?
:lmao: Talk about morals.....


Penn said:
Turbanfloss, it's finally time I put you on Ignore. You are insipid.

Truth hurts sometimes. It must be hard seeing your party fight like this, and after all they are lowering their ethical standards. That would shame me too. :spank: