Toxick said:
88 days?
Then what's the big deal about? Seems to me that a mere 88 days is not even close to being worth the time, money, energy and trouble that is going into drilling this worthless landscape.
I wasn't against it until you said 88 days.
Even if it was just 88 days.. thats 88 days as the sole source for the United States. Now, take the total number of sources, etc.... What would be a more legitimate factor is how much more domestic oil we could depend on over foreign oil. That would be, at 100% efficiency, taking the daily output and subtracting that output from the amount we import (all other factors being equal). However, that is not a true case since some of that oil would be exported while we import other oil based on the dynamics of the market at different times of the year.
So, taking an average factor for exported oil and calculating against maybe an 80% efficiency (to account for maintenance, etc...) you could probably get a good figure for how much dependence could be reduced on foreign oil to the amount we depend on now.
Or, we could just say... it doesn't effect much of an area at all depsite what the environmental screamers want you to think. It is not a disaster. Go to Texas and look at the huge ranchlands with their great ecosystems and you will hardly notice the little 4-10 acre area confined to a minor portion that pumps all the oil out of the ground.
Once that is negated, they will scream to you about the vehicles and workers going there. 20-40 car/truck roundtrips traveling to a location every day is not going to have any real impact on an environment that already has almost no vehicle travel to it. Vehicle pollution and effects are exponential factors that are dramatic with vehicle use density... not by just existing.