he Biden administration has taken an intense interest in investigating the actions of individuals who were named as alternate electors for Donald Trump in 2020. The FBI is questioning people nationwide and serving subpoenas. An investigation of some kind is underway, and its targets are some of the most powerful people in the MAGA movement.
Per multiple reports, FBI agents served nearly 40 people connected to Trump’s effort to create alternate slates of electors with subpoenas recently. The subpoenas appear to dovetail with the efforts of the January 6 Committee.
To be clear there is nothing unusual about naming alternate electors. It has been routine in American elections for slates of alternate electors to be named while the final results of close elections are awaited. Each candidate puts forward a slate of electors, and then when the dust clears and the final tallies are in, the winner’s slate moves forward.
It has been done by both major parties on multiple occasions. It has never been investigated. There is nothing criminal about the action.
And, yet, suddenly the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are willing to devote huge resources to look into the selection of alternate slates of Trump electors in multiple battleground states in 2020.
One answer is, of course, simple intimidation. Lean on the key people around Donald Trump. Make them fearful. Hope to push them away and shut them up. Silence your opponents.
Maybe. Certainly, that is part of the answer. People get nervous when the FBI starts showing up and shaking people down. A lot of people looked the other way when Jews started vanishing all around them in Germany. Intimidation is of great value to all authoritarian regimes.
But, is that all? Or is there something else afoot?
The focus of the investigation is on anyone who dared suggest there might have been irregularities in the 2020 election. Another election is right around the corner. Is Joe leaning on high-profile MAGA people in general or is he sending a more focused message?
Do not question election results. Keep your mouth shut. Look the other way.
Is the message not so much “Don’t talk about 2020” as it is “Don’t talk about what is about to happen in 2022?”
Lycoming County in Pennsylvania recently moved to put a measure on the ballot asking voters if they wanted to continue to use voting machines or move to hard copy ballots and a hand count. Almost instantaneously, the Secretary of State’s office in Harrisburg jumped in and threatened legal action. The county caved. The voters will not be allowed to express their opinions. Voting machines will be used.
Per multiple reports, FBI agents served nearly 40 people connected to Trump’s effort to create alternate slates of electors with subpoenas recently. The subpoenas appear to dovetail with the efforts of the January 6 Committee.
To be clear there is nothing unusual about naming alternate electors. It has been routine in American elections for slates of alternate electors to be named while the final results of close elections are awaited. Each candidate puts forward a slate of electors, and then when the dust clears and the final tallies are in, the winner’s slate moves forward.
It has been done by both major parties on multiple occasions. It has never been investigated. There is nothing criminal about the action.
And, yet, suddenly the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are willing to devote huge resources to look into the selection of alternate slates of Trump electors in multiple battleground states in 2020.
One answer is, of course, simple intimidation. Lean on the key people around Donald Trump. Make them fearful. Hope to push them away and shut them up. Silence your opponents.
Maybe. Certainly, that is part of the answer. People get nervous when the FBI starts showing up and shaking people down. A lot of people looked the other way when Jews started vanishing all around them in Germany. Intimidation is of great value to all authoritarian regimes.
But, is that all? Or is there something else afoot?
The focus of the investigation is on anyone who dared suggest there might have been irregularities in the 2020 election. Another election is right around the corner. Is Joe leaning on high-profile MAGA people in general or is he sending a more focused message?
Do not question election results. Keep your mouth shut. Look the other way.
Is the message not so much “Don’t talk about 2020” as it is “Don’t talk about what is about to happen in 2022?”
Lycoming County in Pennsylvania recently moved to put a measure on the ballot asking voters if they wanted to continue to use voting machines or move to hard copy ballots and a hand count. Almost instantaneously, the Secretary of State’s office in Harrisburg jumped in and threatened legal action. The county caved. The voters will not be allowed to express their opinions. Voting machines will be used.

Why Is The Biden Administration So Determined To Intimidate Anyone Asking Questions About Elections?
In the world of intelligence, the most important question to ask is “Why?” Why is Russia assembling stocks of fuel, ammunition, and food near the barracks of its troops on the Ukrainian border? Why did China give Hunter Biden $1.5 billion dollars after he flew to Beijing on Air Force 2 with his...