Why isn't anyone talking about Rush Limbaugh?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I figured I'd get back from vacation and JLab and ST would be chortling with glee. I suppose I should support my conservative comrade but he's such a windbag that I'm kind of glad to see him taken down a peg.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
OH! You are such a :liar:!!!!!!! :burning: You talk about Rush Limbaugh so much I swear you hang on his every word! If you're not a fan, how do you know so much about him?


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
I liked Rush when he was on TV, he had a good show. Can't really get into talk radio.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I rarely listen to Rush unless I'm going to work late and happen to catch a few minutes. I like his website better because I don't have to listen to his voice. Him and Glenn Beck - :yikes:


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
OH! You are such a :liar:!!!!!!! :burning: You talk about Rush Limbaugh so much I swear you hang on his every word! If you're not a fan, how do you know so much about him?

huh? :confused:


Not dead yet.
Rush Limbaugh

I guess Ol' Rush just showed us that everybody has stuff that we'd rather not let the whole world find out about, eh? I hope he gets his act together and grows a little from this, maybe he'll put more compassion in the compassionate conservative.

Don't get me wrong. I like Rush, overall. After being brainwashed by the Montgomery County School system for years and years I really thought that as a white male I WAS to blame for everything bad that has happened in the last 400 years. He was the guy that pointed out to me (on the radio) that it is no more my fault that I have been born who I am than anyone else. Don't let your heredity keep you down, regardless of who you are and where you came from, just go succeed, baby! THAT's the American way.

This has been a philosophy that has served me well for about ten years now, and given me better and more honest relationships with people of other races. I have more minority friends now than when I carried the guilt foisted upon me by well meaning socialist teachers.:thewave:


I'm a big Rush fan, and I listened to him every day. I couldn't care less if he's addicted to pain killers or bought them illegally. Let's face it... if it were Joe or Jane Lunchbox that got popped for taking illegal pain killers no one would give a crap. In most cases, breaking the law doesn't make you a bad or evil person. He should get the same punishment that anyone else would get and get his butt back to work.