Why Minimum Wage Policies Do More Harm Than Good


PREMO Member
In total, low-skilled workers had an estimated reduction of 3 million working hours, with 5,000 job losses.

While results of this study found marginal effects on employment losses, this outcome can be attributed to Seattle’s incremental increases as well as their minimum wage before their 2014 policy, since the city had the highest minimum wage in the nation.

As shown by the data, low-skilled workers are the ones who face the consequences of any reductions. If employers cut back hours or release employees, the higher-skilled workers will retain their positions while the lower-skilled are pushed out.

This economic phenomenon is well described by economist Thomas Sowell, who states, “making it illegal to pay less than a given amount does not make a worker’s productivity worth that amount — and if it is not, that worker is unlikely to be employed.”



Well-Known Member
And in the same breath they will scream about opening the borders because diversity! Advocating for both minimum wage and open borders — complete lack of logic. Something something “the jobs Americans won’t do”.