In 2009, the National Geographic reported on a study where men were shown scantily clad women while hooked up to machines that read brainwaves. When shown these pictures, the male brain reacted and fired up, but only in certain parts:
Effectively, men stopped seeing the woman as a conscious person and began seeing her as a *gasp* sex object. The woman was effectively whittled down in the mind to be equal to that of a tool.
Already you can hear the feminists roar in outrage, but maybe they should check their anger first. Again, this isn’t something a man can help. It’s deep-wired in him by nature to do this, and indeed, the propagation of our species requires this. A man seeing a woman as a sex object isn’t inherently a bad thing. In fact, I can show you a whole host of internet content provided by everyday women who subconsciously love this fact about men.
A man can be sexually attracted to a woman while still appreciating her mind and personality, of course. In fact, it often feeds into sexual attraction, but with that said, men are driven to populate based quite a bit on visual stimuli.
Freeing your nipple in front of a man would cause parts of that man’s brain to activate. His baser instincts would become incredibly loud in his mind, and whether or not he’d want to, his thoughts would revolve around sexuality. Whatever he’s doing would become far more difficult. His focus would be continuously drawn to the exposed breasts in front of him and the image would haunt him for weeks. He wouldn’t be able to look at you without the image of your breasts popping up in his mind.
This isn’t sexism or misogyny. It’s just nature, and men aren’t going to suddenly lose that instinct because of a few Instagram posts.
And in a “shocking” finding, Fiske noted, some of the men studied showed no activity in the part of the brain that usually responds when a person ponders another’s intentions.
This means that these men see women “as sexually inviting, but they are not thinking about their minds,” Fiske said. “The lack of activation in this social cognition area is really odd, because it hardly ever happens.”
Effectively, men stopped seeing the woman as a conscious person and began seeing her as a *gasp* sex object. The woman was effectively whittled down in the mind to be equal to that of a tool.
Already you can hear the feminists roar in outrage, but maybe they should check their anger first. Again, this isn’t something a man can help. It’s deep-wired in him by nature to do this, and indeed, the propagation of our species requires this. A man seeing a woman as a sex object isn’t inherently a bad thing. In fact, I can show you a whole host of internet content provided by everyday women who subconsciously love this fact about men.
A man can be sexually attracted to a woman while still appreciating her mind and personality, of course. In fact, it often feeds into sexual attraction, but with that said, men are driven to populate based quite a bit on visual stimuli.
Freeing your nipple in front of a man would cause parts of that man’s brain to activate. His baser instincts would become incredibly loud in his mind, and whether or not he’d want to, his thoughts would revolve around sexuality. Whatever he’s doing would become far more difficult. His focus would be continuously drawn to the exposed breasts in front of him and the image would haunt him for weeks. He wouldn’t be able to look at you without the image of your breasts popping up in his mind.
This isn’t sexism or misogyny. It’s just nature, and men aren’t going to suddenly lose that instinct because of a few Instagram posts.