Why the hell...

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
kwillia said:
It's a conspiracy having something to do equating to "pocket pool"...:mad:

You would think they would do it to mens pants first, wouldn't you? :confused:

I bought 4 pairs of dress pants last night and all frigging 4 pairs have the pockets sewn shut. :burning:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Wickedwrench said:
Because everyone is tired of you playing the "kiss the bunny between the ears" trick?:confused:

It is a little obsessive, isn't it? :blushing: But it's such a FINE bunny. :bunny:


aka Mrs. Giant
jazz lady said:
do clothing manufacturers sew the pockets shut on ladies' garments? :tantrum
Because the clothing hangs/draps better when the pockets aren't gaping open. Actually, for some of my suits I purposely sew the pockets shut so it looks better.


New Member
migtig said:
Because the clothing hangs/draps better when the pockets aren't gaping open. Actually, for some of my suits I purposely sew the pockets shut so it looks better.
I can't sew :ohwell:


migtig said:
Because the clothing hangs/draps better when the pockets aren't gaping open. Actually, for some of my suits I purposely sew the pockets shut so it looks better.


Also, if a garment is hanging in a retail establishment, it gets a lot of wear and tear before somebody buys it. If the pockets were open, they could be torn by the time the item made it to the clearance rack.

I remember the time that I wore a long straight skirt to work ( I had just bought it the day before) They were called "hobble/pencil skirts", but it wouldn't have been as bad if I had untacked the back walking slit. :doh:


Lem Putt
Wenchy said:
but it wouldn't have been as bad if I had untacked the back walking slit. :doh:
:lmao: A few weeks ago, I got a new suit for a court appearance. After I was done testifying, I found that the back of the coat was tacked together with a white X. :lmao:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Wickedwrench said:
Still got that bottle of goose?:really:

Oh yeah, baby. :banana: If that doesn't last, I have PLENTY of other alcoholic spirits. That is unless CMC has raided my house. :lol:


MMDad said:
:lmao: A few weeks ago, I got a new suit for a court appearance. After I was done testifying, I found that the back of the coat was tacked together with a white X. :lmao:

