Why Women Really Wear Thongs


Lawful neutral
Why Women Really Wear Thongs, Trust Me | SHINBOW.COM

Wearing a thong makes farts perfectly silent. I’m not kidding. Creates a barrier between the cheeks that prevents that slapping sound. It does nothing for the smell, of course, but I’ve been getting away with public farts for years. So while you men have to pray for the best and rip one, we toot in confidence. Sorry to taint your idea of the perfect grace that women supposedly have, but hey, the truth is the truth.


happy to be living
Why Women Really Wear Thongs, Trust Me | SHINBOW.COM

Wearing a thong makes farts perfectly silent. I’m not kidding. Creates a barrier between the cheeks that prevents that slapping sound. It does nothing for the smell, of course, but I’ve been getting away with public farts for years. So while you men have to pray for the best and rip one, we toot in confidence. Sorry to taint your idea of the perfect grace that women supposedly have, but hey, the truth is the truth.

You have too much times on your hands :lol:

nobody really

I need a nap
Why Women Really Wear Thongs, Trust Me | SHINBOW.COM

Wearing a thong makes farts perfectly silent. I’m not kidding. Creates a barrier between the cheeks that prevents that slapping sound. It does nothing for the smell, of course, but I’ve been getting away with public farts for years. So while you men have to pray for the best and rip one, we toot in confidence. Sorry to taint your idea of the perfect grace that women supposedly have, but hey, the truth is the truth.

i disagree. remember when you were a kid and put a blade of grass btw your thumbs and it make a squeaking noise? i would think a thong would create the same kind of sound when air is forced to go around it. I haven't done research, perhaps some child needing a science project idea can test this theory. :coffee:


Well-Known Member
Look it up - farts are not caused by flapping cheeks - they come from the anus itself. I'm serious - there are videos confirming it.

I would think regular underwear would help in muffling it.

Well, that, and racing stripes. Everyone at one time has bet on a fart and lost.


happy to be living
Look it up - farts are not caused by flapping cheeks - they come from the anus itself. I'm serious - there are videos confirming it.

I would think regular underwear would help in muffling it.

Well, that, and racing stripes. Everyone at one time has bet on a fart and lost.

Is that what people refer to as "sharts"? :lmao:


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